Happy New Year!!! 2018/2019 [Part 1/2]

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Tori: It's only a few more minutes until New Year!

Asuto: Yeah! I can't believe it!!

Yuuma: 2018 felt like it passed by so fast.

Tori: And now it's already going to be 2019...

Yuuto: A new year with more surprises awaits.

Shuuya: Definitely.

Mamoru: I'm getting really pumped for this!!

Atsuya: Only 20 minutes left!!!

Ryouhei: Looks like that guy's still keeping track.

Tori: *giggles* He's probably the most excited out of all of us here!

Hiroto: Seems like something he would do. *snickers*

Terumi: May the Gods bless us all on such an momentous day.

Hiroto: Tori~ God-boy's at it again..

Ryouhei: Wouldn't that mean you're also talking about yourself, Mr. God Striker?

Hiroto: Tch. I wouldn't stoop so low - for I am the great God Strik-

Tori: Okay, that's enough now! *looks at time* I wish it New Years already...

Ryouhei: I'm gonna go ahead*leaves*

Yuuma: Well, guess I'm going as well.

Shirou: Where to?

Akio: To his girlfriend of course, bet he wants to enjoy this moment with her. *teases*

Yuuma: *blushes* Well, I won't admit that your statement is wrong...

Nae: Leila-chan is downstairs with Anna-san! Now off you go!! *nudges Yuuma towards the direction of the stairs*

Yuuma: Right, thank you Nae-san. *leaves*

Tori: Those two lovebirds! *giggles*

Shirou: Yup.

Tori: What about you? Aren't you gonna go to Icy-chan? *teases* And you too Terumi! Hazel-chan and were looking for you guys earlier, you shouldn't keep her waiting like that!!

Shirou & Terumi: *blushes*

Tori: Don't try to hide it!! If you want to go then go! They're waiting for you!!

Shirou & Terumi: Thanks Tori-san/Thank you Tori *leaves*

Tori: They're just so cute together! ...Funny how everyone has someone to be with huh?

Hakuryuu: *comes in* Hey.

Tori: ...Hey, what's up? You don't usually come up here...

Hakuryuu: Just looking for someone..

Tori: *giggles* Astrid's in the living room with Tatsuya and Kaze-chan. You should go now before she feels like a third wheel.

Hakuryuu: *blushes* How did yo- Never mind, thanks anyway. *leaves*

Hiroto: Y'know you're one to talk when you're pretty much also a third wheel.

Tori: What're you talking about? *sad smile*

Akio: *sigh* Go to him already, your boyfriend is waiting at the rooftop.

Tori: *blushes* He's not my boyfriend, BAKA-kio...

Akio: I heard that, just go already. I can watch the others.

Tori: *sighs* F-fine. I'm counting on you... And he's not my boyfriend... *leaves*

Akio: Yet...

Hiroto: She loves him. And he loves her.

Akio: It's pretty obvious.

-with Tori-

Tori: *walks up stairs* *opens rooftop door*

Ryouhei: Hm? Ah, Tori. What brings you here?

Tori: *walks over to him* 'Come on! Think of something...' J-just wanted to... get some fresh air!

Ryouhei: Hmm... Okay.

Tori: *sits beside him* *shivers*

Ryouhei: *notices* *takes off scarf* Here, you can have it... *puts scarf on Tori*

Tori: Ah! T-thanks! *snuggles face in scarf* So... What're you doing here?

Ryouhei: Star gazing, you can really see them tonight

Tori: *looks at him then up* You're right... They're beautiful.

Ryouhei: *looks then mumbles*

Tori: What did you say? I couldn't hear it..

Ryouhei: *blushes* It's-! It's nothing! *turns head away*

Tori: Are you okay? Your face is red, could it be that you're sick? *gets closer and puts hand on forehead*

Ryouhei: *blushes deeper* T-that's not it! *grabs wrist and turns head around* It's-

Tori & Ryouhei: *faces centimeters apart* *blushes*



Ryouhei: T-Tori...



Tori: Y-yea..?



Ryouhei: *gets closer*



Tori: Ryouhei... *closes eyes*




Thank you for reading! Have a great day/night!!

Part 2 will be published on 01.01.2019

Warning: The picture above does not belong to me. It belongs to it's respective owner.

Note: I Hope you like the little surprise NosakaJopay _-Angelic_Demon-_ Melodic_Star Miss_Anime_Nerd Fubuki_SnowWarrior ! 😊 Call it a little New Years gift.


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