Another Tag! And Now by Two!!

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Tori: Welp! I got tagged by TWO people... Hooray...

Ryouhei: Today Tori is tagged by @Luciana_chan7 and snowyroses- .

Tori: Does this mean I have to tasks twice?

Ryouhei: I guess so... *pats back* Hang in there..

Tori: *sighs* ...Let's get started, shall we?

Rule 1 : Done!

Rule 2 : Done!

Rule 3:
1. I'm the youngest from a family of six.

2. I like sports, mainly swimming and running.

3. I like yaoi (Boy Love).

4. I have a black hole for a stomach. (Is what my friends say..)

5. I hate spoiled people. They irritate me.

6. I live in Indonesia, Southeast Asia.

7. I don't really like to eat chips presently, idk why. I used to love eating them..

8. I don't really like cake because it's usually overly sweet. I'm okay with cakes that aren't too sweet, like Tiramisu or Opera. I'm still okay with pastries though.

9. My favorite flavor for sweets is Matcha presently.

10. I don't really like to eat chocolate (bars, truffles, sprinkles, etc.) presently as well. I'm okay with chocolate flavored sweets (pocky, brownie, mousse, etc.) though. Again, idk why. I also used to love eating them...

11. I can't handle spice too well...

12. I'm in the swimming club at school. Which is not Iwatobi I'm afraid. (If you get that ref, you're great)

13. I won quite a few trophies when I was younger.

14. I take Mandarin lessons every Sunday.

15. I'm Catholic.

16. I like dogs. They're cute. I like cats too, I just prefer dogs. Ironically, I draw cats more than dogs...

17. I always want to have a Husky, Pomeranian or Pavilion as my dream dog.

18. I want to learn how to drive a car as soon as I'm in the legal age.

19. I learned Japanese on my own since 11 until just recently. (-KazemaruLia_ have a book about learning Japanese if anyone is interested)

20. I'm not really keen on the idea of 'love at first sight'. Why? To me, wouldn't that be the same as someone liking another just for their looks at first?

Rule 4: (Here comes the fun part)

Tori: Ookay... Here we go,


Tori: And that's all cause I have little friends...

Rule 5:

Tori: Tell a joke? Hmm? Am I allowed to make an egg pun?

Ryouhei: I don't see why not.

Tori: So Ryou, what you're saying is 'omelette you do your egg puns.'?

Ryouhei: *sighs* Oh no...

2nd joke:

Tori: My life...


Tori: Hmm... What did the bull say to his son when he left?

Ryouhei: I don't know..

Tori: Bison.

(Kill me now...)

Rule 6:

Tori: Well, I don't exactly have a book to spoil since my other book is a 'one-shots'. But I guess I can spoil one of them...

'Yuuto-kun wa yuutori desu.'

Tori: It's a line that's going to appear in one of my one-shots. And that's really it for this tag. Thanks everyone for reading this and have a nice day/night! Bye~!

Ryouhei: See you next time.


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