Happy Valentines! And Happy Birthday Hakuryuu!

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Tori: Hey guys!!

Ryouhei: Welcome back.

Tori: Sorry I've been offline recently!

Ryouhei: She was extremely busy until just recently.

Tori: Yes! But I've finished most of my work, so you all can expect quicker updates and such!

Ryouhei: It's glad to have you back in really high spirits, Tori.

Tori: Hehe~ Thanks! So to all of you-! Happy Valentines!

Ryouhei: Hope all of you have a good day with your loved ones.

Tori: But that's not the only thing to be celebrated today!

Ryouhei: Today's also Hakuryuu's birthday.

Tori: That's right! Happy Birthday Hakuryuu!! *pops party popper*

Everyone: Happy Birthday! *pops party poppers*

Hakuryuu: Thanks for the party.

Tori: You're welcome! Although... This party wasn't exactly my plan~

Hakuryuu: ?

Tori: Hehe~ Please come in-!

???: *comes in*

Tori: Astrid!!

Hakuryuu: ! What's she doing here?!

Tori: She was the one who planned this whole party! I only helped out. So you better make it up to her for this~

Hakuryuu: *blush* B-but! Wait a-!

Shuu: *pits hand on shoulder* Just go already. You shouldn't keep a lady waiting. *nudges towards Astrid's direction*

Tori: Just go! She's waiting!!

Hakuryuu: *sighs* F-fine... *heads off*

Tori: Have a nice time~!

Ryouhei: And I believe that we should have a nice time, too. *hugs from behind*

Tori: What do you mean?

Ryouhei: Since today's Valentines. I planned to take you out on a date, but it looks like you're unable due to the party... Unless you still want to go *teasing smirk*

Tori: Hmm~ I don't know~ Maybe I shouldn't.

Ryouhei: Are you sure?

Tori: *giggles* Of course not! I'd love to go! Ah, if that's okay with you guys that is..

Yuuma: I don't really see any reason to say no.

Asuto: You should go Tori!

Shuu: You two haven't been able to spend a lot of time since last month anyways.

Yuuto: You deserve it.

Tori: Thanks you guys!

Ryouhei: *nods* Thanks.

Shuuya: Now, don't you two have somewhere to go?

Ryouhei: Yes, we do.

Tori: Then let's go! *links arms up and walks away*

Mamoru: Have a good time, you two!

Hiroto: And make sure she stays safe!!

Tori & Ryouhei: *leaves room and start heading to destination*

Tori: So where are we gonna go?

Ryouhei: I wanted to take you to that new amusement park.

Tori: I'm sensing a 'but' somewhere i that sentence.

Ryouhei: *chuckles* But, I know you don't really like crowded places. So we're going to a that cafe I told you about and walk around the area - sightseeing.

Tori: *giggles* You know me so well~

Ryouhei: I'll take you to the amusement park next time when it isn't as crowded.

Tori: Thanks! Oh yeah, wait a sec! *stops walking a gets something from bag*

Ryouhei: What is it?

Tori: Here you go! *hands over* Happy Valentines! It's chocolates! It's homemade so I don't know if it'll taste good..

Tori: Here you go! *hands over* Happy Valentines! It's chocolates! It's homemade so I don't know if it'll taste good

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(What the chocolates looks like. Sorry for the crappy sketch ^^')

Ryouhei: *takes and stares at chocolates*

Tori: Now, let's go! *starts walking*

Ryouhei: *catches up and intertwines hands* ...Thanks for the chocolates. And Happy Valentines, Tori.

Tori: *smiles* You're welcome!!


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