Attention Paladins

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Each of the Paladins were doing they're own thing.

Pidge was in her room playing Mario Cart with Lance. Hunk was in the kitchen baking cookies. Shiro was talking with Allura. Coran was cleaning and Keith was working his ass of training, again.

Shiro sighed "Allura call the paladins together I have a special training activity for them today but make it sound urgent. Oh and make sure Coran comes too."

"Sure thing." Allura replied."All Paladins and Coran congregate in the main room as quickly as possible. No dilly dallying."

Each of the colorful lions paladins rushed into the main room. After the initial onslaught of people Hunk walked in with a plate of fresh cookies with Coran following moustache twitching towards them.

Shiro stood up and announced "Okay Paladins you all need a break from training but sometimes we can find it difficult to form Voltron so today we will be doing a bonding excercise."

"What kind of 'bonding exercise' do you mean?" Pidge inquired brows furrowed.

"Truth or dare! But who the one who wins gets to have the rest of the week of training." Everyone in the room perked up after Shiro said that - well besides from Coran and Allura who didn't know what truth or dare was.

Sorry guys this isn't great but it will get better I just needed to start it off and I suck at that.

If you have any suggestions for truths or dares for the characters then dm me or comment.

Thanks for reading!
Chris OUT!!

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