is this even worth it??

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Lance scanned the group mischievously. Little did everyone else know he was actually considering his question very carefully not just creating extra dramatic tension (though that would be in character for him so who's really to say). He was leaning towards a question about everyone's most guarded secrets but who knows what they'd actually say unprompted. Who knows what dumb thing they might say to defend their actually good secrets. He pursed his lips tapping his finger against them thoughtful. His pursed lips turned to a subtle smirk quickly looking over at Keith. He was shifting slightly from side to side it was pretty unnoticeable but still there and Lance still noticed regardless of how small the habit was. Keith was running his thumb over a patch on his neck which he was exposing from his wandering hands getting nervous in anticipation. The longer Lance paused the more obviously antsy and anxious Keith was. He started nibbling at his lips. Look around at everything in the room distractedly avoiding eye contact. Like the same slight marks on the walls were absolutely riveting all of a sudden.

"Whats something shocking or equally interesting about yourself that you've never told us?" Lance announced looking proud of himself. "Or just something dumb about you either which way i don't mind. Just generally something good or maybe a story about you as a kid." He added quickly turning to rambling as he saw Keith's nervous habits increasing. It looked ridiculous who quickly Keith had freaked out. He'd gone from a 5 percent increase to a 50 percent increase in record time. Luckily Shiro sweeped in with an anecdote to save the day (and the panicked gays). 

"When my first girlfriend confessed to me we where waiting in the rain outside school. She was one of my friends and we were just chatting before we both walked home. We decided to walk together and I thought I'd be chivalrous and share my umbrella with her. She then went onto confess to me and I like an idiot stumbled over my own feet. Even worse I poked her in the eye with the spoke of umbrella. I then invited her home because I felt bad for making her almost fall over into a puddle.  Again we were just chilling and she leans in a bit a tried to kiss me. And I said 'Ha wow that's cool'. I didn't react at all and she just got up and left." told the group not pausing to let his embarrassment seep in for even a second. He blushed as he went on covered his mouth his hand covering the light tinge of blush pigmenting his cheeks.  Pidge was giggling at Shiro very obviously while falling on to Allura. Allura was patting their back kindly while trying not to make Pidge's mini fit worse. Lance mostly looked a bit dumbfounded and Keith looked slightly less panicked but was still rubbing his fingers over the tips of his thumbs viciously and seemingly unconsciously. Slightly better still. Still freaked out of his skin but it's an improvement to before. Almost anything would be counted as an improvement at this point well besides him  maybe dropping dead but that's all that could get worse with the thoroughly spooked red paladin. 

"I tricked Hunk into thinking I had a prosthetic - specifically metal - leg for about 3 months after he kicked it once and i didn't flinch or really react at all." said completely flopping into Alluras lap. Allura threaded her fingertips through their hair without even realising it and started to play with the short messy cut in thought. The rest of the group looked around kind of surprised but more looking out for Hunk to see if he had actually let go of the lie or if he was still deceived by Pidge's obvious lie. 

Sorry this is short I wanted you guys to have at least something.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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