lightning round

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Keith's POV
Okay I know Pidge is going to try and screw with me or screw me over in some way. I can just feel that energy radiating off them.
"My turn now?" Allura asks curiously excited.
"Yep!" Pidge replies instantaneously.
"Okay then. Let me think." Allura says carefully tilting her head.
Oh shit I've got to think of a question to ask everyone. I don't know what to ask! What's your favourite colour? Oh my fucking god I'm an idiot were all literally colour coordinated. We freakin space power rangers. What your favourite animal? God I sound like a 3 year old. I've got to ask something sophisticated yet simple. Something that could bring interesting conversation or make people laugh. Maybe some much gossip or banter? Oh wait asking for gossip stuff will probably just figuratively out one of my secrets (Or in a worst case scenario actually out me).
"Ah had let's stick to the theme Pidge started and let's narrow done these crushes, shall we? Okay so what's your sexuality?"
Okay nevermind not outing my gay tranny secrets I guess were just diving in. Well I'm going to friking win.
Shiro started us off "Well I'm gay I don't know what it is about fucking dudes but-" "Nope we've had enough of that." Pidge says cutting shirooff and honestly I'm just glad I don't have to cover their ears if he carried on the route he seemed to being following. Who am I kidding they reads so many crack fics they would catch on to his innuendos first. Oh shit it's me. Just say I'm gay and look at the next person. Don't fuck this up don't fuck this up.
"I'g may." I say and desperately look at Lance who looks at me confused. Why isnt he saying anything? WHY ISN'T HE SAYING ANYTHING?
"Um Keith I'm not really sure that I'm up too date enough with your earth slang to understand what you mean." Allura says innocently as she breaks the silence. I start playing the scene back in my head. Oh fuck. Pidge is giggling in the background and I believe whisper chanting "Gay panic.". And oh fuck already screwed something else up I'm still staring at Lance. I feel like I'm falling thro8gh his ocean eyes. Not in a good dreamy way but a very scary I'm gonna freaking die way. I start hyperventilating. My binder feels really tight right now. Suddenly an arm is around my shoulder and pulling me closer. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. How long have I been binding for I don't even know anymore. I open my eyes which I hadn't even realised I had been squeezing shut. And I realize Lance is trying to comfort me. Oh god. Oh god. Actually flipping gay panic. Emergency. Code red. Someone kill me please. "I'm gay" I blurt out. Isn't my word delivery just great.
Pidge is snickering like a madman. "Get a room" they whisper shout while practically slumped over Allura who was patting their back softly. Lance clears his throat "ahem well I'm bi surprise surprise" he says and goes to do jazz hands but mind if hits my arm because I'm still resting on his shoulder. I bolt upright god could this get worse?
"I like girls" Pidge announces proudly. They bounce off Allura with a big smile.
"I'm as I believe you call it on earth pan." Allura says cheerily. Oof wow were just space gays. Maybe it's like part of the credentials to become a paladin of Voltron.

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