Keiths Performance

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The Paladins huddled around in a mishapen circle each sat in a different mismatched chair.

Shiro piped up with an initial explanation of the game,"So you play truth or dare by asking each others questions or doing tasks which range in difficulty. Our version will work on a point system. If you accept the dare and make an attempt at it you get 1 point if you actual finish the task in full you get 2 points and depending on the difficulty of thes task this may differ. If you don't do the task at all you don't get any points at all. The one with the most points at the end of each round wins and the one with the least gets eliminated. Now that's out of the way who wants to start?"

Pidge's hand shot straight up in the air and she begun to wave it frantically from side to side. "Pidge." Shiro chose for lack of volunteers.

"Okay who will be my first victim." Pidge started mumbling as she scanned the circle of players. "Ah ha Keith, truth or dare?

"Dare." he answered as calm as possible.

Keith swallowed the ever-growing lump in his throat. She beckoned him forward and whispered the dare in his ear. Instantly, Keith began to blush furiously and stutteres out "Are you sure about this Pidge?"
Pidge answered him with an evil cackle and a nod. Once again Keith swallowed.

Pidge ushered him out the room saying they would only be 5-10 minutes. The others confused shared a few glances and idly chatted for a bit before Pidge appeared. She looked over joyed as she cleared her throat and proclaimed what Keiths dare was.
"The dare was this he had to sing and do a little bit of choreo which I thought of to a song of my choice and I could put him in whatever I wanted. I think its a potentially worth 3 points if he goes through with it properly. You may now come out, Keith."

Keith was beyond nervous but he had to go through it. He cautiously stepped through the doorway to the room the were occupying. His eyes quickly to each of his friends to gage their reactions. Lance and Shiro were both blushing with their mouths hanging open, Hunk, Allura and Coran all looked on with varying mixes of confusion and shock and Pidge was watching her creation.

Keith was wearing Black kitten thigh highs, Black boots, black and white shorts, a dark purple hoodie which was a little on the short side and a red bow in his hair. Pidge some how had managed to get some black lipstick on his lips and so mascara on his eyelashes. And of course he was furiously blushing. Pidge started her chosen song which was her favourite part of her genius plan.

///quick note: lyrics are in bold (which keith is singing) and everything else is normal///

The small indroduction the song had started and Keith mental prepped himself for what he was about to do. He moved himself so he was directly infront of everyone.

Got a figure like a pin-up
Keith moved his arms above his head
Got a figure like a doll
He brought them down to his hips gliding his hands carefully down his waist
Don't care if you think I'm dumb
He brought a finger to his head and pulled an innocent face
I don't care at all
He then flipped them off
Candy Bear
~an extremely kawaii manor~ he put his fists against his face under his chin smiling sweetly
Sweetie Pie
He left a single finger at his lips still smiling softly
Wanna be adored
He moved his arms behind his back and increased his smile again
I'm the guy you'd die for
With added care he dragged his thumb against his throat in a horizontal line
I'll chew you up and then I'll spit you out
Keith brought a hand to his mouth and swayed his hips a little
Cuz that's what young loves all about
Just above his heart he made a love heart with his fingers then pulled it apart
So pull me closer and kiss me hard
Keith glanced back at Pidge who was watching carefully and he moved toward Lance (who was really close to keith). Keith got extremely close to Lance so he could feel his breath and grabbed Lances jacket
I gonna pop your bubblegum heart
Lightly Keith pointed a finger to where Lances Heart was but as they were so close he poked the place with his fingertip
I'm Miss Sugar Pink liquor liquor lips
Keith retreated embarrassed leaving a flustered Lance will he kept singing
Hit me with your sweet love
He made another heart with his fingers
Steal me with a kiss
He blowed a kiss to his team
I'm Miss Sugar Pink liquor liquor lips
He sang the last lines with a smirk playing over his lips. He turned back to his audience.
I'm gonna be your bubblegum bitch
He swayed his hips side to side.
I'm gonna be your bubblegum bitch
Then to finish of he slut dropped and took a few heaved breaths.

"3 points to Keith." Shiro announced.

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