Taskmaster (Ashton Oneshot #6)

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Basically, taskmaster is a British thing. It's like a game where you get told to do things and your teammates give you a score on how accurate your thing was. I've never played it but my nan was just telling me about it and I got this idea.

You and Ashton are waiting for your three best friends to come over. The five of you haven't been together for ages and promised to meet up.

Recently, Ashton has been acting all sweet to you and, although he's romantic anyway, you've been quite confused. He's being extra loving which you didn't think was possible.

When Luke, Calum and Michael arrives, Luke shows us this quiz book that he brought with him.

"Basically, the taskmaster has the book, gives you a task, you've got to do it and the person that does it the best wins the most points." Luke explains.

"Sounds good." Calum says.

Luke volunteers to be the taskmaster and we all sit on the couches in the living room. Luke sits in the middle and flips through his book before he finds a good page.

"You four have to make your own exotic sandwich in under two minutes." Luke says.

The four of you look at each other before bolting to the kitchen, leaving Luke behind.

"What the fuck is an exotic sandwich?" Michael asks.

"Give me the butter Ashton!" Calum calls.

"Ashton you ate all the bread!" You complain.

"Where the hell is the ham?" Ashton asks.

"That's not exotic!" Calum says.

"It is now." Ashton replies.

"Fifteen seconds." Luke says.

"What?" You all yell before grabbing anything off of the table and throwing it between the bread.

"Time!" Luke calls as Ashton takes a slice of cheese and drops it onto the sandwich.

Luke looks at all of the sandwiches and pulls a face, "I'm not eating any of them."

"Which looks the most exotic then?" You ask.

"Calums, then yours, then Ashtons, then Michaels." He says.

"What? How did I come last?" Michael argues.

"Making a cheese sandwich with ketchup is neither exotic nor appetizing Michael." Calum says.

"Fuck you guys." Michael groans.

"What's our points?" Ashton asks.

"For me to know, and you to find out." Luke says as he scribbles some things down.

The game goes on for a while. Michael remains in last place for a while before complaining again.

"You know what," He says, "Fuck you Luke. Y/N, you be taskmaster now."

You sigh but take the book from Luke's hands.

"Right, your task is to go around the house with a dark coloured mug, find an object, hide it under the mug and try to surprise me the most," You explain, "You have ten minutes."

The four band mates jump up and head around the house with some black cups in their hands.

You hear Luke is the kitchen, Michael and Ashton upstairs and Calum can't be heard so you presume that he's outside.

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