Chapter 5

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A week has flown by and I've been getting the weird feeling. Whenever me and Curly chat I just feel so ...excited, like I can't wait to talk to him. I get these weird feelings in my stomach, is that normal? Isn't that how people describe a crush? But he's a guy, this isn't normal, so why is it happening?


Me and Curly have been chatting for a while, I have been curious for a while and decided on asking him this burning question.

Hotpants92: So Curly what do you look like? Besides the curly hair of course ;)

Curlycat94: Well..i'm about an average height, curly hair (obviously), green eyes, dimples :/ and that's about it really...

My eyes widened, he sounds awfully couldn't be..could it?

Hotpants92: Do you go to church? Just wondering :)

I needed to know, it couldn't be who I think it is. It's impossible.I chuckled knowing i'm just overreacting, once he answers this i'll be able to calm down and forget this silly thought.

Curlycat94: Yep, every sunday! :) actually my mum is helping with this charity event, BORING!

I gasped, oh shit. No, No, No! This can't be happening. Everyone turned to me looking at me strangely and I glared,"Fuck off!"

They turned immediately and I began tugging at my dyed fringe, Shit shit shit! I sucked on my lip ring, much like I do when i'm frustrated, and suddenly a beep was heard.

Curlycate94: Hello? is something wrong?

I rubbed my hands over my face in frustration. Oh god, this can't be true. It can't be him, surely there's more mum's doing the charity event right? There's only one way to find out.

Hotpants92: No, sorry. Anyways so whens your birthday?

Curlycat94: February 1st why?

Oh no. it's true, i've been talking to faggot boy?! I've been happy about talking to him. It must be him... he's gay, goes to my church, has curly hair, green eyes, dimples! There's only like 4 people who have dimples and 2 of them are girls!

Hotpants92: No reason, i just wanted to know ;)

I've Been talking to Harry Styles, the one person I hate more than anyone.


As I walked down the hall I spotted a familiar set of curls. He glanced up and I got this weird feeling in my stomach. The one i get when I talk to Curly, well I guess Harry. Wait- does that mean I am friends with Harry? Well, he doesn't know it's me, however I know it's him.

I accidentally bumped into someone and knocked them down,"Sor-"I stopped realizing it was Harry and smiled offering a hand. He confusingly took it, but then I realized what i was doing. Why was I helping him? I pushed him down and he groaned as I glared,"Watch where you're going faggot!"

"S-Sorry," He said grabbing his things before rushing down the hall, head down.

I stomped off feeling really confused and frustrated. Why was I helping him? I never help anyone, and here I am trying to help this annoying kid that I hate. But, he looked so scared and vulnerable-No! He is just a wimp and weak. Yeah.

As i got to lunch, I glanced around the cafeteria and spotted a familiar blonde at our usual table. I walked over and greeted him, taking my seat,"Hey Nialler!"

"Where've you been?!" He shouted, glaring at me.

I jumped in confusion and questioned,"What do you mean?"

"He means we haven't seen you in forever! Why have you been skipping parties and not coming over anymore?" Zayn said popping up behind him, sitting next to Niall.

I frowned, have I really been ditching them? Ever since 2 weeks ago I haven't felt like partying, I just don't have that vibe anymore. I've been feeling a bit occupied and couldn't get in the mood to drink and go out.

"How about we go to Perrie's party then?" I suggested, I need to get my mind of Curly or Harry or whoever the hell i've been talking to.


The Party was raging, Spirit was high. The music was deafening. The scene was chaotic. Dancing and drinking abound. There were Billiards played by Boys, distracted by the noise. Couples were making out, and were inhibited.

I've been here for an hour, simply drinking and occasionally grinding with girls. I had way too many beers to count, yet i wasn't too drunk, I can't say the same about Niall though, he's practically stripping on the tables.

I suddenly felt a hot breath on my ear,"Hey sexy..nice arse."

I turned seeing a pair of brown eyes framed with mascaraed lashes. I looked down and smirked,"It's not nearly as nice as yours."

She giggled and placed her hand in my back pocket,"What a charmer, but I believe your wrong. Wanna dance?"

I agreed and we headed to the floor. Our moves were sloppy and the dances were lazy as we got tired from an hour of moving around the sweaty dance floor. Her hair was curly and reminded me of Harry's.

My eyes widened as I realized what i thought. My lips found their way to her glossy ones in a rough kiss. I whispered against them,"Bedroom. Now."

I dragged her up the stairs. I need to forget. I cannot be gay. It's wrong. A disgrace. Disgusting, like Harry. My lips moved sloppily against hers as we entered the room.

It's not a crush, it's just a phase.

My hands roamed her petite body as I pushed her against the wall quickly unbuttoning her shirt.

He's a faggot, i'm not a faggot, he is!

We stumbled to the bed as I straddled her body unclipping her bra as our pants made there way to the floor forgotten.

Why would i like him anyways? He's annoying, worthless, lame, a loner!

As I slid off our last layer of clothing the last though I remembered was;

Why am i not enjoying this?

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