Chapter 11

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A week has passed since me and Harry's new 'friendship'. We've been sneaking around everyone and hanging out at my place, occasionally his. It's like forbidden love - Wait- i mean ...friendship. Yes. Friendship.

I noticed at lunch that Perrie has been sending knowing looks when i would occasionally glance at the curly boy. It feels so awkward when she does that. It's as if she knows something.

I haven't hit Harry all week, I'd just ignore him. Zayn seems surprised by this, though says nothing. Same with Niall, they've basically been cold towards me. I'm guessing it's because i've been hanging out with Harry so much that I never really talked or hung out with them much.


As I walked into school I spotted Harry. He glanced up from looking at his phone and gave me a hidden smile, which I returned. As he walked off I saw Perrie eyeing me from where she stood at her locker, she closed it and gave me a wink before walking off leaving me confused.

Why does she keep doing this? Was she flirting? I huffed before making my way to Science, spotting Zayn and grinned sitting next to him.

He looked up and said sarcastically,"Wow, decided to actually acknowledge me."

"I'm sorry gosh! I've just been busy," I sighed fixing my jean jacket slightly.

He looked at me curiously,"Doing what?"

I sucked my lip ring, it's become a habit for when I'm nervous,"Erm just things..."

He raised an eyebrow,"What 'things'?"

"Just things okay?" I said in a tone basically signaling to have him drop it.

He held his hands in surrender,"Sorry jeez, keep your fucking secrets."

I glared at him before turning my attention to the teacher, I cannot tell them about Harry. They'd hate me forever and i'll be alone just like the curly boy and his puppy eyed friend. It's impossible for me to be alone, I hate being by myself and I won't let it happen.


"Hey babe," Smiled Eleanor as she wrapped her arms around me from behind.

I hid an eye roll before turning in her arms with a smirk,"Hey sexy."

She grinned leaning in giving a longer then necessary kiss. As we pulled out she asked lowly,"Wanna come by my place tonight? My parent are out."

I have become so desperate for sex that I basically feed off her. I guess you can say i'm taking advantage of her, but I just feel the need for attention. However, I feel as though she considers that this relationship more serious than I think of it as. It feels as if I am using her, like to hide something. But the question is - What?


Whenever I messaged 'Curly' I have this weird feeling in my stomach. it's as if i feel bad for knowing it's him. He keeps telling me things that are so personal, like about his fights with his sister and his strange habit of getting naked, that I found oddly attractive which I shouldn't.

Why do I feel so giddy when talking to him? Even in person, if I see Harry my heart rate goes super high, I can barely form proper sentences around him. I feel like i'm suddenly speechless and can't help but smile. My stomach feels like it sinks and start to think twice about what to say because i feel like I might say something dumb.

I never feel this way, I just get all...nervous. This is so wrong, I'm Louis Tomlinson! It's as if I'm describing...a crush. But I can't be gay, however lately it feels as if i'm trying to convince myself that i'm not. Can I be gay?

I groaned resting my head in my hands as I slid down the bathroom wall. I've been sitting here for 10 minutes and trying to figure out these dumb feelings. Last night me and Harry were texting and I couldn't stop smiling whenever he said something awkward. When I went to bed I kept questioning this.

Even if I was gay I just couldn't be. My mum would never accept me. Neither would Zayn and Niall. I was so upset and frustrated I literally had tears streaming down my face. I never cry, crying is for wimps, nerds, babies and fags. And I'm not a fag.

My phone suddenly beeped and I sighed grabbing it out of my pocket, seeing it was Harry.

[From: Harry]

Hey Lou, i haven't seen you since this morning, where are you? :c xx

I felt a tear stream down my face as I clicked the selfie he took of himself to put as his contact ID. His smile is overly large, dimples showing, curls in a beanie as he gave a thumbs up. He's so beautiful. A tear dripped down as realization hit.

I'm gay, but I don't wanna be.


When I walked down the hall I wiped the smeared eyeliner and smirked, hiding the pain. I'm not gay, Harry's just...pretty. It's not bad to think a guy is attractive. I mean i've always dated girls, sure I think Taylor Lautner has nice abs while Channing Tatum has sexy lips.

My eyes widened, shit shit shit.

I shook my head and spotted a set of curls. As I walked by I tried avoiding him, however he whispered under his breath,"Hey Lou."

I stiffened, but ignored him rushing to Study Hall. Not before glancing back seeing a hurt and confused look across his face. Why is he so cute? Eyebrows all furrowed with his lips pursed. Dammit cant he just be ugly and annoying?

I sighed in frustration, tugging my fringe before walking in the computer lab and sitting at a computer before typing in my password and such.

CurlyCat94: Hi :c

I frowned, is he upset?

Hotpants92: Hey, what's with the sad face D:

Curlycat94: Have you ever been in love?

I was stunned by the sudden question. Honestly, no i've never been in love. The thing for Harry wasn't even a crush, it's just...a phase. Yeah a phase.

Hotpants92: Nah why are you?

I bit my lip in anticipation, for some reason I really want him to say no.

Curlycat94: Yeah...but its not a good thing.

I glared, who the fuck is this person? Are they dating? But, Harry's single! Oh fuck. why do I even care? it's just a phase.

Hotpants92: Why isn't it a good thing?? :(

Curlycat94: Cause he hates me :/

My eyebrows furred in confusion, Zayn, Niall? Nick?? Stan?

Hotpants92: Why would you think that?

Curlycat94: Well he always bullies me and pushes me around but like i told you, recently he's been nicer but today he ignored know him don't you, it's Louis Tomlinson :/

I gaped before banging my head against the keyboard.

Well, shit just got complicated.

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