Chapter 4

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It's been two weeks since the project started When i woke up the next day I felt odd. I was actually excited to speak to Curly. I'm not sure why exactly. I feel as though he's different, more interesting then most guys. He's not afraid to speak his opinion about things. Over the past 2 weeks we've been getting along more and more. He's actually nice to talk to.

I shook my head trying to get rid of these thoughts. It's not normal to think of a guy so deeply. I got up and changed into some black skinny jeans and a graphic t-shirt. I then got ready and did my hair before dropping the girls off at school.

When I got to my school spotted Zayn and Niall waiting for me by our usual spot in the parking lot. I walked up to them and smirked,"What's up Lads?"

"Hey Lou, I saw Styles car at your driveway the other night," Niall snickered.

Niall and Zayn aren't a fan of Harry either. I think it's really them that told me about him in the first place. I was new at this school and they showed me the ropes, introduced me to poeple, told me who and who not to talk to. I guess that's how we got along so well. I mean, I knew Harry before in elementary school, but I never really talked to him much.

"Yeah," I shrugged,"Our mum's had to talk about some church event and shit."

They nodded sympathetically. The bell rung and I groaned,"Well we better head off to class."


The day slowly went by and it seemed to drag on like most Mondays. Finally study hall came and I rushed to the computer lab.There weren't many students there yet, and it was odd being one of the firsts students in class. I typed in my user name and password and typed out a quick message.

Hotpants92: Hey curly.

Curlcat94: Hey, i feel like i need a nickname for you >.<

I chuckled at his randomness.

Hotpants92: Well make me one :)

Curlcat94: Well what do you look like?

I bit my lip trying to think of something to describe myself, then shrugged.

Hotpants92: Well im pretty short for my age, i have blue eyes, brown hair....idk what else to say :/

Curlcat94: Well thats not helpful :P

Hotpants92: Sorry curly :) i guess your the only one who gets a nickname

Curlycat94: FINE! haha

Hotpants92: So hows school?

Wow i'm so boring, I just wanted a conversation starter.

Curlycate94: Eh, i'm not a big fan of it :/

I frowned, our schools awesome. Sure, I hate school but that's just in general. Our school is rather nice compared to most, it's the best one in Cheshire.

Hotpants92: Why?

At first he didn't respond. I felt my heart sink, what happened? Did I upset him?

Curlycat94: It's just the people. They don't me

Hotpants92: Why not? You seem nice :)

Curlycat94: Yeah right you're just saying that...i honestly don't know why...i try to be nice, i try to get along with everyone but people just don't like me...

That doesn't seem fair, Curly seems so kind and like a great person. It's not fair to judge people just cause you can. If I met curly I bet we'd be great friends!

Hotpants92: Well once we meet i'd be your best friend :D

Curlycat94: Aw thanks :) i don't have many friends. Well i have One....but that's it :/

I swear this boy makes me want to hug him - Wait no that's weird, I take that back!

Hotpants92: :( Well now you do! so i guess you have 2 now ;)

Curlycat94: Yay ^.^ i guess many people just dont wanna be my firend, im just that werid kid in the back no one talks to :c

Curlycat94: Sorry i keep saying random things :/ im just over here complaining about my anti-social life, i bet im bothering you..i just feel like i can trust you..

I smiled, he trusts me? I don't understand why, but my heart began fluttering as this strange feeling filled my stomach. Not many people trust me, even Zayn and Niall are a bit skeptical.

Hotpants92: Thanks :) i trust you too and no you're not bothering me! Don't ever think that :) you can always talk to me

Curlycat94: Really? Thanks xx

Hotpants92: No problem xx


At lunch I walked over seeing Zayn and Niall at our lunch table, they were chatting and Niall kept laughing while tossing crisps at the annoyed raven-haired boy. I grinned and joined them,"Hey blondie. Zayn."

"How come Zayn doesn't get a nickname?" Niall asked munching on crisps.

I shrugged,"I can't think of anything."

"That's no surprise,"Zayn scoffed and I glared at him.

"Prick," I muttered under my breath before sneaking a crisp from Niall's back as he frowned.

"So anyways i'm having a party this weekend, there's gonna be some hot chicks there," Zayn winked nudging my arm with his elbow.

I frowned, "Eh, i don't think i'm gonna make it."

"What?!" Niall gasped, blue eyes widening.

You see, i'm the king of partying. I always make it to every party that's being held. But for some reason i don't feel like getting drunk and hooking up with anyone. That's rather strange for me, so I kinda expected this reaction.

"I just don't wanna go," I told them nonchalantly.

Zayn immediately placed his hand on my forehead,"Are you feeling ill?"

I smacked his hand away, rolling my eyes,"M'fine I just don't feel like partying.."

"Ok..." Zayn says eyeing me suspiciously.

What the hell is going on with me?

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