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Cheshire was a nice place. Many teens loved school and had tons of friends. There were, of course, popular people and typical jerks. But don't most schools have them? You could say that there were bullies. Because well, there was. The teachers found it odd seeing students only talked to people in their own grades.

They wanted the students to be friends with people in different grades. You know, to show the younger students around and help them out with issues. But apparently it's 'uncool' to be seen with a younger student, so the older kids basically ignore them, not wanting to be considered lame. The staff have a plan though.

One morning all of the English teachers gathered their students in the atrium for an assembly. No one understand what was going on, since it's rare they have assemblies with all the grades there. But, suddenly the principle came out and the whispers lowered as he spoke.

"Hello students, this is Mrs. Flack, our guidance counselor, and she is here to announce a new project for all grades," The Principle announced, gesturing for Mrs. Flack to speak.

"Hi ladies and gentleman," She spoke. "Throughout my years of counseling I've been to many different schools. Never once have I encountered that the grades didn't socialize until coming here. After some thinking, the teachers in the English department and myself have come up with a solution. From now on, every student will be participating in a project that'll allow each grade to interact with one another. It's called 'Cheshire Chatroom'.

Murmurs were heard and she held a hand up, silencing them before continuing," Unlike a real chatroom, you will not be talking freely to whoever you wish. Each student will get a username that will be approved by your English teacher. 12th graders will be picking a 10th grader based on their username. This applies to 11th and 9th. During every study hall you will be required to message your partner. The conversation must be long and descriptive. This is mandatory for everyone and if you choose to not participate then you will fail."

"There are a few rules," She added, listing them while reading a paper," You cannot talk about anything disturbing or inappropriate, you must send a message daily unless absent, and lastly: you cannot reveal your identity until the end of the semester! You won't be monitored but the computers will track whether or not you use foul language. The website will know your real name once the teachers help with your username and can censor if you send a message revealing your identity. If you do reveal it, you will fail. Think of this project as a fun way to make a new friend, maybe more."

Everyone seemed to like the idea. It was almost as if the students actually wanted to socialize with different grades, but were afraid of being teased. The underclassmen were ecstatic to get to know the older classmates and the upperclassmen seemed to like the idea of talking and being able to give advice to the pipsqueaks.

Well, almost everyone.

Louis Tomlinson. He was your typical punk boy with his hardcore tattoos, piercings, and a personality to match. He doesn't follow the rules, though he doesn't break them. He simply makes his own and speaks his mind. He can be rude, but to him it means he's telling the truth and stating the facts. Louis doesn't mind school, it's just that he has to follow orders. And he doesn't like that.

So when Louis was told to make his username for the Cheshire Chatroom he wasn't cooperative.

"Louis, you need to do this project, you'll fail! You already failed 10th grade!" Exclaimed Mr. Cowell as Louis glared at the screen.

"Fine," He huffed and typed in LWT123. "Can I be done?"

"Louis, is that really what you want?" Mr. Cowell asked with a raised eyebrow.

Louis shrugged then retyped Hotpants92. "What about now?"

"Whatever," He mumbled before linking Louis' student number to his username in the system, allowing the site to know whether or not Louis sends out his name to the person he'll be messaging.

"Alright, so now if you send your partner your name it will notify us, so don't give yourself away." Mr. Cowell explained. "Here's a list of the 10th grade usernames. Pick one and you'll begin chatting. Have fun,because during all study halls you must chat for at least ten to thirty minutes."

With that Mr. Cowell walked away. Louis rolled his eyes, he didn't want to do this. He found it dumb and unnecessary, but when he saw everyone else eagerly scrolling through the names, he sighed and did the same.





Louis shrugged and clicked the last one, not really caring since he probably won't actually talk to the person. He then typed out;

Hotpants92: Hey so you're a 10th grader?

Curlycat94: Yep, hi ! :D

Louis snorted. Wow, this girl is expressive. Oh well, she seems naive. Maybe he could get some action later on when they meet in December.

Hotpants92: Yeah, so sexy watcha look like? ;) wearing a mini skirt babe?

What happened next wasn't at all what Louis was expecting.

Curlycat94: I'm a guy...

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