Chapter 12

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I didn't know how to feel. Harry loves me? Like is in love with me? I don't understand, how could he love me? Was it sudden? Because I've recently been so nice to him? Or Has he loved me for years? I've been so mean to him and yet all this time he's had feelings for me?

This definitely wasn't helping that weird feeling in my stomach, what are they called? Butterflies?

I sighed in frustration, tugging my hair slightly, occasionally twirling it, much like those girls do in movies. Damn, I probably look gay. I shivered, stopping and turned my attention back to the message Harry sent.

For some reason a smile appeared as I reread his message, he loves me. Why am I so happy about this? Shouldn't I be disgusted or even creeped out? A gay guy loves me! Harry, the faggot, loves me. I should be laughing in his face and calling him a disgusting prick!

I'm just so confused, why am I suddenly questioning everything? I should be hooking up with Eleanor and smoking with Zayn then getting a new tattoo or piercing with Niall. But here I am, questioning whether or not i'm gay and have feelings for this sophomore, Harry fucking Styles.

But, Harry's gay and he doesn't know he's talking to me. However, this could be to my advantage. Maybe he could help with my confusion. I sighed, glancing around in case someone was reading my message, then typed.

Hotpants92: Aw :c i have a question...

Curlycat94: What?

Hotpants92: how did you know you were gay?

I bit my lip in anticipation, I felt strange just typing that, however I just needed to know. He took a while, but soon responded.

Curlycat94: um why do you ask?

I took a deep breath before answering hesitantly, finger shaking slightly, as I typed the words I never thought would be questioned.

Hotpants92: Cause..i think i might be :/

Curlycat94: Oh! um..well i'm not quite sure..i think it started when i was 10 and all guys were finally talking about girls. I kept having weird feelings around my guy friend who i had a crush on. I'd always get butterflies and want to be around him, id be so nervous talking to him haha.

I frowned, that's exactly how I feel around Harry. So..I am gay. But I'm not, no I can't be! A tear slipped out of my eye. However, I quickly wiped it hoping no one saw before taking a shaky breath. It could be a phase, people say when you're a teenager you're confused and just hormonal. But i am 18. So what, I'm still a teenager. It'll pass, many people have phases.

Hotpants92: oh...

Curlycat94: so did i help in anyway? :D

I chuckled sadly, he's so sweet.

Hotpants92: Yeah..

Before he could respond, the bell rung and I typed a goodbye before logging out and heading to lunch. I spotted Niall and Zayn who glanced up as I sat across from them. They ignored me an I sighed,"Lads, c'mon I said I'm sorry. Stop giving me the cold shoulder!"

They glanced at each other before sighing as Niall smirked,"Okay, okay. You're forgiven. So, where have you been?!"

"Just...with a friend," I said nonchalantly, leaning back in my seat and picking at my nails. I sometimes bite them, it's a habit, but I haven't done it recently.

Zayn rose an eyebrow,"What kind of friend?"

I smiled slightly,"A Special friend."


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