Chapter 3

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Once school was out I grabbed my bag from my locker and head out to my car. The ride home was quiet aside from the music playing. When I got home, I got out of the car and went straight to the front door. As soon as I walked through the door, my mum called from the kitchen, "Louis, is that you?"

"Who else would it be?" I scoffed, tossing my bag to the side before walking in the kitchen, seeing her cooking dinner. I noticed that she was making more food than usual and asked,"What's with the feast?"

"About that, Anne and Harry are coming by tonight. Anne and I are working on a charity event for the church." She explained stirring the sauce, then went into the cabinets and grabbed a few seasonings that we rarely use unless we have guest over.

She only cooks good food when others are here, bitch.

My eyes narrowed at the thought of being around Harry and I glared, "No! Why can't the bitch stay at his home? He's fifteen, he can take care of himself!"

"Watch your mouth young man! I invited him over. Now wash up, they are going to be here in a half an hour." She instructed with a wave of her hand, being bossy like usual. Mum's act like they own the place, oh wait, they do.

I rolled my eyes, just noticing the lack of noise which isn't normal when living with 4 younger siblings. I question in confusion, "Where are the girls?"

"They're at a friends. I needed the place quiet for the night. Mark is working late too," She informed me with a bored tone.

I huffed and rushed upstairs. When I got to my room, I slammed my door and flopped on the bed with a whine. I cannot believe that queer is coming here, I can get infected. Feeling irritated, I opened my side drawer and grabbed a cigarette, lighting it. I took a drag and let out a sigh, watching the ring of smoke come from my lips.

My mum doesn't know Harry's gay, I'm guessing his own parents don't know either. His mum doesn't seem like the type to accept gay people. I know what it's like not having people accept you. The only person who truly likes me for who I am is probably Niall and Zayn, however it's probably just cause they are exactly the same.

About thirty minutes later I heard a knock at the front door downstairs and moments later a couple other voices were heard. It wasn't long till my mum called up, "Louis! Harry's here!"

I ignored her and grabbed my phone to go through my Facebook. There are certain people in the world and only a few catagories to put them under. And as I went through the newsfeed, I narrowed them down.

Slut, jock, nerd, goody-goody...

Wow, my school sucks.

About five minutes later a light knock was heard from the other side of my door. I rolled my eyes and asked in annoyance, "What?"

The door opened and suddenly a frightened, curly-haired boy walked in. I glared at him,"What the hell are you doing in here?!"

"Y-Your mum told me to come up," He said quietly, fiddling with his thumbs and looking down at the ground awkwardly. I swear, he's the most awkward person in the word and I feel awkward just by being in his presence.

I groaned, then just waved my hand in dismissal, resembling my mother sadly, "Fine. Whatever, faggot."

He bit his lip and sat in the desk chair. I saw he left the door open and scoffed, "Aren't you going to shut that? What, are you that scared of me? I'm not gonna rape you or something like that, fairy. Unlike you, I don't suck dicks."

He ignored my insults and got up, shutting it lightly before sitting back down. After a few minutes of silence, I saw he was also on his phone, actually texting someone. A snicker left my mouth, "You actually have friends? Who are you texting, your boyfriend?"

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