Chapter 6

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When I woke up, I was laying next to a brunette girl and realized my head was hurting and pounding from the light outside. I groaned and looked under the covers seeing me and this girls naked bodies. I shrugged, this was a normal thing for me. I got up and rubbed my eyes feeling my head spin. Shit, I have a massive hangover.

I got up and threw on my clothes, making my way out the room but before I could leave a high voice asked,"So you were gonna leave without a name?"

"I'm Louis," I said rolling my eyes, this bitch obviously doesn't know my system.

She sat up covering her boobs,"I'm Eleanor. See you Monday."

"You go to my school?" I asked confused, not exactly sure why I was continuing talking to this slut, but I was curious. I haven't seen her around.

She nodded with a smirk,"Duh, i'm Hannah's friend."

I nodded slowly, so she just hooked up with her friends fuck buddy? I shrugged, I guess girls are just okay with that thing. Making my way out the door, I mumbled,"Um ok bye."

She waved and I walked out feeling confused, why did I feel so guilty?


When I woke up Saturday morning it wasn't my choice. A annoyed voice interrupted my slumber stating," Louis, get up!"

I groaned grabbing a pillow while covering my head. A hand shook my shoulder as the voice became angry,"Louis, get up now!"

I shot up from my bed and glared at my mum,"What? It's Saturday and you're waking me up at-" I glanced at my clock and gaped,"10AM?"

"Yes, 10AM is a rather normal time to get up. Stop being lazy and change. I need to talk to you about something in the kitchen," She said before walking out.

I huffed, reluctantly getting up and running my hand through my dyed fringe. Who wakes up at 10AM on a weekend? Besides when it's church, I like to sleep in till at least 12. I mean, I have to get up at like 5:30 all week, people need to let me sleep or all hell's gonna break loose!


"What do you want?" I asked after changing into some faded jeans and a black T shirt walking down stairs to find my mum in the kitchen waiting for me.

"Have some manners Lou," She scoffed,"Anyways this weekend me and the girls are going on a girls trip."

"Really?!" I grinned, feeling a bit excited about having the house all to myself.

"Now Now, let me finish, You know Anne?" I nodded confused and she smiled,"Well she's gonna be joining me. Along with Gemma her daughter."

"What's this have to do with me?" I questioned sipping the tea she handed.

She stirred hers before continuing,"Well since you're gonna be alone and so is her son, so iI invited him over-"

I spit out my tea choking slightly,"What?! No, no, no, no!"

"Louis William Tomlinson! You are 18 and he's 16! He's young and my trust in you has lowered after that party last time I went away with the girls. Since Mark is on a business trip you'll be alone. I expect you to be kind and helpful towards him, if i hear you've been rude-"

"Whatever," I scoffed stomping upstairs. As I slammed the door I heard my mum call to the girls to pack.

I groaned and flopping on my bed tugging at my hair. What the hell! She has no right to have me watch this boy. He's 16 and can care for himself. Well I guess she is basically having him here to make sure I won't throw some party. Last time was pretty hectic since 3 guys were arrested for drugs but pft live while were young right? I don't do that YOLO shit.

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