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Note: This is before she hated being in relationships

~*+At the kingdom of Adelpha +*~

"DARLENE!!!!!!," yells Darlene's mom, Amara, from inside the castle.

"Yes, mom?" Darlene says as she walks back inside from a stroll in the garden.

Amara looks excited as she tells her daughter the news. "Look what I got from the messenger!!" She waves around an envelope sealed with a diamond, and the initials "RH" engraved into it.

Darlene looks surprised, "Is that what I think it is!?" Amara replies, "If what your thinking is a letter from Royale High, It is!!!"

"Really!? What does it say? Was I accepted?" Darlene has been constantly sending letters too Royale High...Looks like they finally took the offer.

Amara opens the letter and her eyes light up. "You've been accepted!!" Amara starts to tear up, "I'm so proud of you!!"

"Oh come on mom, you don't have to cry!" Darlene says as she wipes her mom's tears and smiles.

"How can I not? My daughter was just accepted to the best school for princesses!" Amara says with small  sobs in between. "Well you should head to bed...you need to wake up bright and early for tomorrow!"

"Okay mom." She says as she walks down the hallway to her bedroom.

Amara says to herself, "Now is finally the time, I will give her this tomorrow." She walks to Darlene's room and opens the door. She walks over to the sleeping Darlene and kisses her forehead. "Sleep tight sweetie. Good night." With that said she walks out and closes the door behind her.

~*+The next day+*~

Darlene wakes up to the smell of cinnamon rolls and coffee. She rubs her eyes and sits up on her bed. "What time is it?" She checks her alarm clock. "6:30!? I've never woken this early!"

She hears a knock on the door. "Yes?"

"Miss, I have your clothes your mom told me to give you" The maid said from the other side of the door.

"Oh thank you. You can leave it on my dresser." Says Darlene as she gets out of bed. The maid comes in a places an outfit on her dresser and says, "Oh and come down as soon as you can, we have prepared breakfast for your big day." Darlene says okay and the maid leaves the room.

"Well I should take a shower" She walks into the bathroom, gets ready and picks up the outfit that was left on the dresser. "Oh, I've never wore this outfit before. Mom must have just bought it yesterday" She puts it on and looks in the mirror. "Hey it actually looks pretty good on me."

With that done she goes downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning" she says to all the workers and her mom. "Good morning Sweetie. Ready for your big day?" Says Amara as she waves. "Mhm, I'm really excited!" Darlene says as she sits at the table next to her mom.

The butlers came holding silver platters and place it in front of Darlene and Amara. They lift the lids to reveal a nicely organized plate of cinnamon rolls with a cup of coffee. "Cinnamon Rolls!!" Darlene says with excitement.

"Mhm, I asked the cook to make them since it's a very special day." Amara says smiling. "Oh thank you so much! All of you!" Darlene says as she starts to get sad. Amara notices and says, "What's wrong?"

"Oh it's just that...I'm going to miss all of you!" Darlene pokes at her food. "Oh honey, don't worry. We will always be there with you in your heart! Plus we will always write to each other right?" Amara says trying to cheer her up. "Right." Darlene says pushing away her sadness. They both finish eating and get up from the table.

"Darlene come here, I want to give you something." Amara says to Darlene holding a wrapped present.

"A present?" Darlene stares at the big box that's being handed so her.

"Open it" Amara tells Darlene.

Darlene opens the gift and Amara says, "I know how much you always wanted a real bow. Now I pass mine down to you!"

Darlene's eyes go from excitement to confusion as she stares at her gift. "It's a bow? It just looks like a....staff."

"It's a staff that turns into a bow! You have imagine it's a bow and it will turn into it!" Amara takes out the staff and closes her eyes. All of a sudden, the staff curls and a string appears. "I thought this would be perfect so it doesn't look like you're bringing a weapon into the school."

Darlene looks amazed. "Woahh..Wait, what about arrows?"

"You imagine that too, think of arrows and it should appear!" Darlene closes her eyes and thinks of an arrow. The arrow forms in front of the Darlene. It was heart shaped on the end and it had curly pink feathers on the end. Amara says surprisingly, "OMG!! You just made your first Love arrow! It's an arrow that can make people fall in love!"

Darlene stands surprised that she actually made that. As she admires her bow and the arrow she created, She hears the hooves of horses outside. "Oh it looks like the carriage is here!" Darlene makes the arrow disappear and the staff change back. Amara opens the door and walks out with Darlene and the workers.

Darlene holds her luggage and stand in front of the carriage. She turns back and waves to everyone. "Bye everyone! I'll miss you all!!" With that said she hops into the carriage and it goes off on its way to Royale High.

Note: Sorry if there was a lot of mistakes I'll fix it later

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