~*+Thank You+*~

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Back to the story :3

~*+The day of the dance at 9:00 am beginning of English class also is Celestia's pov+*~

-late bell ring-
I look around to see if I can spot Darlene anywhere. She did come back to the dorm last night like she said she was...I'm starting to get worried.

She doesn't know that this school takes "late" very seriously...plus it's the day of the dance. Maybe I should go look for her. I raise my hand to get the teachers attention.

"Yes Celestia?"
"May I use the restroom?"
"Sure, make it quick."

I quickly leave the classroom at start looking. Suddenly I feel my bag shake a little and a little bird pops it's head out of it. "Oh hey Lila! Are you going to help me find Darlene?" I asked and the bird tweets and nods it's head. We looked high and low even asked some people. It was no luck. I couldn't find her. Then I see Damien from the corner of my eye. I run over to him.

"Damien have you seen Darlene? Last night after you talked to her she never came back to the dorm and she didn't show up in class..I'm starting to get worried. So I was wondering if you have seen her." I said to him out of breath from running.

Damien seems to be in shock. "No, I haven't. After I asked her to go to the dance with me I left to my dorm. I didn't see her at breakfast either that's where I usually see her."

"I'm so worried about her. What if something bad happened?!" I start panicking.

"Celestia don't worry, I'll help you find her."

"Okay thank you." I say with slight relief.

We looked in all the classrooms and outside by the pool but we didn't see her. I then realized I was supposed to be in class like 3 minutes ago. "Darn it I'm late." I quickly wave goodbye to Damien and run back to my class like I never had before.

I open the door and everyone was staring at me.

"Celestia, where have you been? You were supposed be back here ages ago." The teacher asked.

"I-" I was interrupted by another voice from the classroom.

"Did you fall in?" They said as people around them started laughing.

I might as got angry and yelled at them. "No! How does that even happen?! Are you calling me-" I was interrupted by the yell of the teacher.

"Enough! Stop arguing!" She had the look of an angry giraffe. "Now Celestia, care to explain why you were late?"

I quickly come up with an excuse. "I saw someone that need help getting into their dorm so I was helping them."

She starts to stare at me with intensity. I almost felt myself sweating. She then turned around and said ok. What a relief.
The bell then rings for passing period. I head down to the cafe for a drink and see someone in all blue and a robot following behind him. I run over to him.

"Oh hey Celestia"
"Your back from vacation just in time! I need help with something."

Note: Tyler is my brother's oc :3

Damien also comes over and the two boys do some kind of bro handshake.

"Sup your back, was it fun?"
"Mhm, I did all sorts of things like swimming, surfing, skateboarding, even-"

I cough to get their attention.

"Oh sorry Celestia, what did you need help with?" Tyler asked.
"My friend is missing! I was wondering if you could help."
"Oh...hmmm...OH! I got it! A.R.I.S could do a quick search?"
Note: A.R.I.S is a robot that Tyler invented and she works as a personal assistant for him. (She's my oc)

A robot standing next to him comes forward and asks me.

"Could I get a description of your friend?"

"Um sure, she has light pink hair, white glasses, fuzzy boots, and she always carries around this staff. Does this help?"

"I think so"

A translucent screen appears in front of A.R.I.S. She taps a few buttons and suddenly a blue ring comes out of it and spreads out to what looks like the whole school. There was a few screams here and there of the people who were startled. Suddenly a blue blinking dot appears on the screen.

"Found her." A.R.I.S said.

"What?! Really?!" Me and Damien say almost at the same time.

"Mhm" A.R.I.S starts to walk towards the dot and we all follow.

We come across a door.

"The janitors closet?" I say reading the sign next to it.

Damien shrugs him shoulders and calls to see if Darlene is in there.

"Darlene? Are you in th-" He was interrupted but the call of Darlene from

"Damien!! I'm so happy to hear you!!" She said almost in tears.

"What are you doing in there?" I asked.

"Celestia you're here too!! Charolette tricked me and trapped me in here!"

"I should have known they would have something to do with this! But before we worry about them we should get you out of there"

Tyler finds a key buried in the potted plant near by. We open the door and are greeted with the face of a crying Darlene. Darlene jumps with joy and hugs Damien out of nowhere.

"Uh.." Damien said slightly uncomfortable.

Darlene realizing what she just did, quickly stopped hugging him and looked away blushing. Damien smiles and blushes a little.

I say almost whispering, "Aweee. I ship"

The bell rings to go to the second class.

"Oh no! I don't have my books!" Darlene said panicking and wiping away her tears.

"Don't worry you can use mine!" I grab her hand a we run towards class.

Darlene turns around and says a big thank you.

This chapter was slightly cringe.
Idk how to write lovey dovey stuff. :p anyway hopes you enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter will be a continuation of this day.

~+*Bitter Betrayal: A Royale High Story*+~Where stories live. Discover now