~*+Valentines Day/Birthday Special+*~

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This is going to be a short chapter celebrating Darlene's Birthday!! This was supposed to be up yesterday on Valentine's Day but I forgot about it half way ;( Also uh this will be a break from the last chapter so Darlene won't be locked in a closet. So next chapter it would be back to normal. Anyways enjoy! Oh and I'm switching first person because it's easier for me, I'm doing everything in Darlene's perspective

I sit at my vanity brushing my hair. When suddenly I'm startled by the sudden outburst of Celestia and Katherine through my door.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLENE!!" They say together.

"Awe, Thank you, wait how did you know it was my birthday?" I asked out of curiosity.

"We asked the principal, but it's not about that! This day is all about you!!" Celestia said as she came over and hugged me.

"We also have a surprise planned for you at the end of the da- OW!" Katherine was saying but was interrupted by Celestia who elbowed her.

"What she meant to say is that we have a surprise for you RIGHT NOW!" Celestia said laughing. "We reserved a private spa day just for you! Also we got you coupons for free food at the cafe!" Celestia handed me some chocolate.

"Wow! You guys are so nice!! How long were you guys planning this?" I start eating the chocolate.

"Well, since we found out ur birthday was coming up, we decided it was best to start planning right away!" Celestia said sounding happy. "Now let's get this day started!!"

We walked down to the cafe when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Heyyyy big sister!......miss me?"

I turn around in shock and see the person I least wanted to see on my birthday. My little sister......Desire

"Desire?! What are you doing here?!" I say to her still in shock.

"To go to school here duhhh...why else?" She said with a sly smile.

"What?! Your only 14?! You're only allowed to attend when your 16! How did - Wait........did you lie about your age?...."  I stared at her.

"Maybe....Anyway" She looks around. "This place is gorgeous....so many crystals and diamonds..."

"What about mom? What did she say?" I snap her out of her gaze of the school.

"What? Oh, mom? She let me go. Lucky for me she didn't know there was an age requirement." She giggles. "Also, she told me to tell you Happy Birthday. *mumbles* even though I didn't want to..."

"Wait until I tell mom about this!" I threatened.

"Oh really? I don't care, she never believes what you say about me anyway. She thinks I'm a nice person and you can't make her think otherwise." Desire grinned.

The sad part about this is that it's true. Mom never believes me when I tell her the things Desire has been doing. Sigh...

"Just leave me alone, this is my day to be happy and don't want you being there to ruin it..." I turned back around to face Celestia and Katherine who had a confused look on their face.

"Oh, sorry...let me introduce you to my *mumbles spoiled* little sister, Desire.."

"Awe you didn't tell us you had a sister!!" Celestia comes up to Desire.

Desire looked surprised, "Wow you didn't tell your friends about me?...how rude.." I could see Desire smirk from the corner of my eye. I hate her.

Celestia seeing that I wants comfortable said, "okay! Let's start by going to the spa and then we can have lunch!"

"Can I come??" Desire asked.

"Uhhh..." Celestia looked at me and then back at Desire who was doing puppy dog eyes. "I don't think Darlene wants you to come." She looks back and me and I cover my eyes because I know what's going to happen...

Desire let's out an ear bleeding scream and starts throwing a tantrum. That scream was so loud it broke one of the glasses of water near by.

"OKAY OKAY!! YOU CAN COME, JUST PLEASE DONT DO THAT AGAIN!" Celestia yelled with her ears covered.

Katherine too. "Am I the only one that can hear bells ringing?"

After that horrific event we all went to the spa to relax.

I was too lazy to write their experience and also because I wanna get this chapter finished haha.

After the spa day we went out to lunch. Free lunch thank you to Celestia and Katherine.

"I would like the gourmet cheese platter and a mocha frappe with extra chocolate and cream please" Desire smiled at the lady who was taking our order. I looked surprised.

"You don't even like cheese..." I asked her.

"Well it says it's gourmet, so it should be good right? Plus, it's expensive." Desire looked at me from the corner of her eye.

I just roll my eyes and order a sandwich and a cup of coffee.

Celestia whispers something to Katherine. I'm sure I could hear them say that I wasn't having fun. If they did, they were right. I wasn't.

After all of that we hung out by the pool, and finally it was nearing to the end of the day.

"So..Darlene. Did you have fun?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah...." I say kind of looking in the other direction.

"Well, It's going to get even better! Me and Katherine planned a special party in the ballroom!"

"Really?!" Celestia nods "Wow! No one has ever done that for me!" My face lit up and I smiled.

"Now let's get ready!"

Everyone got ready and we head off to the ball room.

"Ready?" Katherine asked me.

I nod my head yes. The guards open the door.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" I could hear many voices from inside being shouted.

I stand there in shock and my eyes start to tear up. I then see Damien push his way through the crowd. He was holding a bouquet of roses. I walk up to him.

"Happy birthday Darlene!" He hands me the roses and wipes my tears off my face. "And Happy Valentine's Day."

"Wow, Thank you Damien. Thank you to everyone!" I said as I look around the ball room. Everything was decorated with pink and red balloons-

Desire suddenly snatches the roses out of my hands, "Ooo are these for me?" She sniffs them.

"Uhh who are you?" Damien asked.

I sigh and say, "She's my little sister.....Desire."

"Really? You didn't tell me you had a sister."

Desire looks at me with a serious look, "Wow did you tell NO ONE about me?!"

I whispered underneath my breathe..."no"

The rest of the dance was amazing! There was dance competitions, drinks, amazing food. I'm so happy to have friends that would plan these things for me, I really couldn't ask for more better friends!! <3

Sorry I'm lazy :3 Hope you enjoyed :D

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