~*+I Like You+*~

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Hello, sorry I haven't been writing much of this :p Anyway cheesy chapter incoming because idk how to romance lol.

I really hope his idea works....

Celestia and I open the door to the office and walk in.

"Great! You two made it! I thought you weren't going to come." The principal suddenly pops in and we get spooked a little. "Here are some mops and feather dusters to clean up the room a little bit."


"Yes, I was going to do it myself but perfect timing that you guys had detention, so I'll just make you do it as punishment.."

"Uh....ok.." I go over and pick up the mop. Celestia takes the feather duster. We look at each other for a moment, I know we are thinking the same thing. The principal went a little too far.

I start by moping the corner of the room when suddenly...
One of the tiles on the ceiling falls onto the principal's desk startling all of us.

"What just happened?!" The principal looks up at the hole in the ceiling.

A light purple potion falls and smashes onto the desk creating a cloud of purple smoke. Celestia and I hold our breathe until the effects are gone. We look over at the principal and she's fast asleep.

"A sleep potion?" I say confused.

A head pops out of the hole in the ceiling.

"Indeed" it said.


"Hey hey~ I told you I'd get you outta here! Now go and get ready, I'll be waiting -wink-" He disappears.

Celestia and I rush to our dorms and get ready. Celestia stares at me.

"Wow, you look stunning in that dress!"

"Oh, haha thanks. It's my moms dress from when she had a dance. She told me to wear it for special occasions."

"I'm sure Damien would love it too!"

I pause of a moment, I look into the mirror and smile. "I hope he does."

~*+8:50 pm+*~

It took us a little while to get ready but we finally are done. We head down to the ballroom.

There were two guards and a man standing by the door. He asks us what our names are.

"My name is Darlene."

"And mine is Celestia"

"Thank you ladies, have a lovely day at the dance."

The guards open the door for us and we walk in.

"Presenting, Princess Darlene and Princess Celestia!" The man said loudly.

I could feel everyone's eyes on us as we walk down the stairway. My dress shimmers in the light and gets everyone's attention.

Once we get down to the bottom, I see someone trying to push through the crowd.

"Hey Darlene, I'm going to go over to Ashton, he's probably worried why didn't show up earlier."

"Oh, ok." I look around to figure out what I should do first when I suddenly hear my name being called from amongst the crowd. I look over and it's Damien.

"Woow! You look gorgeous!"

"Thanks! You loo-" He hands me a bouquet of pink roses.

"Pink roses! How did you know they were my favorite?"

~+*Bitter Betrayal: A Royale High Story*+~Where stories live. Discover now