Stuck On You Part 1.

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Italics Flashbacks.


Y/n starred at the girl she was in love with for five years in hurt and disgust. She couldn't believe what she had just walked in on. She grabbed the photo frame of her and her girlfriend and threw it against the wall making the glass shatter into a million pieces making the brown eyed girl flinch at Y/n's action.

Y/n:"How could you?"She managed to get out"How could you do that to me? To us?"She questioned trying to stay as calm as she could.

"I-I dont-Baby I'm-"

Y/n:"Dont baby me Kendall! How could you fucking cheat on me?! On our anniversary?!"The Y/h/c haired girl questioned.

Kendall:"I-I was lonely"She muttered trying her best not to sound so...shocked.

Y/n:"You were lonely?"She questioned before letting out a bitter laugh"You know, if I fucked a girl whenever I was lonely I would be a top class hoe"I said in a cold voice making her flinch at my words.

Kendall:"Y/n, please, I-"

Y/n:"Y/n nothing, I'm not staying here"The Y/e/c eyed girl said walking into the shared bedroom they had in her apartment in Los Angeles. She walked into the room and felt her anger burn up inside her as she looked at the upset sheets and previous scent of Kendall's new lover.

Kendall:"What? Where are you going? You cant leave me Y/n. We need to talk about this"She said following her into their walk-in closer"Baby, please"She said grabbing Y/n's hand making her yank it away from her.

Y/n:"Don't call me baby and don't touch me. Don't touch me after you touched him"She said in disgust before starting to pack her things.

Kendall looked at the girl she was in love with for five years in horror and shock. She knew that if she left her, she wouldn't be able to cope. She was her rock after all.

Kendall:"Please"She said begging the girl"Stay and lets talk about this. I had a moment of weakness and it just happened! It didn't mean anything Y/n!"The brunette said following Y/n around the room.

Y/n:"I'm going to stay by a friend or something....we can talk-you know what, I'll talk to you when I'm ready to see your face again"She said pushing the girl away from her.

Y/n walked downstairs and grabbed her keys and phone before closing the door on Kendall's face. She rushed to her car  and started the engine before the model could catch up to her and sped down the highway going to god knows where. 

She pulled over to the side of the road and let her sobs out, taking over her body as she hit the steering wheel with such a force that it shook the whole car with every hit. She put her head against the steering wheel and sobbed her out hearing her phone ring like mad.

She must of sat in the same position for hours not caring about the constant ringing of her phone. She cried until she couldn't cry anymore and till she could feel that pain disappear, but it didn't. She stopped crying but the pain stayed in her heart.

Its like there was a pull in her heart causing a pain to run throughout her body. Y/n leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes briefly and took a deep breathe, trying to get her breathing back to normal. She moved her head to the side and saw her phone lighting up with multiple notifications from everyone.


Y/n! Fuck please answer your phone or messages

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