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  • Dedicated to Everyone <3

I looked up at the clock, it was almost quitting time, I slowly drummed my fingers on the counter top waiting for the blabbering man to leave. I wanted to leave here so much so I could get a bowl of cereal and go to sleep. I looked back up at the clock and back down at the man. He slowly chewed on his hamburger savoring the tastes of the meat. I continued to drum my fingers. The clock made a cooing sound and the man dropped his burger, picked it up again, put in the trash and left. I sighed. "Thank God, he's gone, Now I can leave." I picked up my jacket and grabbed my keys. I turned off the lights of the restaurant, shut the doors, slowly putting the keys in the door locking it. I took the keys out of the lock slowly. I pulled on the bars of Denny's entrance. I smiled knowing that it was locked.

I stuffed my hands in my jacket pockets. I began walking since, I work at Denny's and I don't have enough money for a car. I watched my feet as I walked along the narrow sidewalk. I looked to my left and saw a lake and I looked to my right and saw a playground, I sighed. 'I wish I could still play like a kid.' I continued walking, slowly so I could enjoy my surroundings.

When I heard a loud screeching sound like a scream. I ran over to the screech. Which was back at the playground. 'This can't be good it's eleven at night and I heard screaming, What is wrong with my mind.'

I continued running to the site of the scream. I came across a body laid on the ground. I screamed loudly. I fell to my knees in shock of what just came before me. There was a dead girl on the ground. And I was to late to do anything. I felt a lump in my throat. I got up. "Nothing I can do." I muttered. I stood up putting my hands back in my pockets. Tears began swelling in my eyes. I began walking to the sidewalk.

When I heard a loud buzzing noise from behind me. It kept getting louder and louder. I began running. I didn't even pay attention to where I was going when I bumped into my house. I tripped and fell. I stood back up. I toke the keys out of my pocket and opened the door. I sighed. I can finally get my peace.

A/N: So The mmain charachter is off to the side..

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