Chapter 11 | Demons

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  • Dedicated to You for reading

I jolt awake Zayn's arms fall off me. I begin sweating. "Oh thank god, just a nightmare." I hold onto my chest where my heart is supposed to be.

I hear Zayn shuffle and I look over at him he sits up. "You okay?" He asks concern filling his voice. I look into his mouth to make sure I was just dreaming. I examine his teeth and notice his canines are longer than most people's. "Ah!" I scream falling off my bed. "Er...Amber? Are you okay?" "NO! I AM NOT OKAY!" I blare my voice at him remebering the events of last night.

"Louis!" Zayn yells. "Smart one, I doubt he is awake...." Louis suddenly appears in my room. "OH MY GOD. WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO MAGICAL?" I scream.

"Uh...Love if you have forgotten were vampires...."

"Oh, yes I have completely forgotten. DO YOU THINK I AM STUPID?"

They stared at me blankly. I went up behind them and slapped them in the back of the head.

I rolled my eyes.

"So, you bitches are vampires now? Since when does this happen in California?"

"Well...." Zayn began, "Considering the fact that there is a portal to the vampire realm, in California, We would be in California..." Zayn stated trying to explain this.

I nodded slowly.

"Come on, I bet your hungry." Louis motioned for me to follow him.

"Yeah...No. I am not getting food from vampires, If you want me to eat go to McDonalds and get me three Cinamelts and two Hashbrowns.

I heard them murmur a 'fine' and they walked up the spiral stairs, leaving me with my place of content, and sanity.

I sighed as I fell onto my bed my back facing the sheets and my face, facing the ceiling.

I rubbed my face trying to soothe myself.

"What am I going to do ceiling? I am trapped here with five vampires, It's always the h-" I was cut off by someone running down the spiral staircase.

"Go away, peasant let me at least remain partially sane." I muttered.

I heard the person go back up the stairs. That's right he better run.

"The hell am I saying? I SHOULD BE THE ONE RUNNING!!" I yelled.

I slowly got up from my bed and ran up the spiral stair case.

Once I was up I ran for the door. Gotta. Run. Away.

I panted throwing open the door and attempting at walking out. I was stopped by a magical force field, I assume blocking the house from the outside world.

I banged on the barrier trying to let me out.

"LET ME GO!" I screamed banging on the magic force field. 

I felt someone grab my waist. I stopped banging on the force field and started banging on their arms, they didn't budge.

They lifted me up slowly and put me on their shoulders revealing their hair color, a lighter brown buzz cut.

"Liam, You have some sanity, let me go, please." He shook his head, walking slowly over to the couch and setting me down.

Liam got down on the floor and grabbed my shoulders, staring me straight in my eyes. 

My face held nothing but confusion. 

"Amber, listen, I understand that you may want to leave, and run, and live your life as a normal human would, But we just can't let you leave now." Liam stated sadness filling his voice.

"Why can't you?" I asked my voice getting softer a beginning to calm down.

"A. You know we are vampires. B. Niall, Harry, Zayn, Louis, and I all have Demons, They hide inside us, controlling our hunger, and our minds. You, You and only you, repeal those demons from within us. You, take control over them and you make us smile, and happy again. Before we got you we were nothing. Just some indenile vampires looking for love, and our demon keeper. That is you, Amber. We need you or we will kill a lot of people, and It won't be pretty."

I was flabbergasted. Me, Amber Johnson, a girl that was abandoned, works at Denny's and was kidnapped by five vampires, is someone that can help the vampires with their demons? I guess so.

A look of shock flashed across my face. Liam nodded slowly wrapping me in a warm gentle hug. 

I hugged back smiling into Liam's shoulder.I couldn't hold it any longer, Tears, Tears had finally spilt out of my green eyes. 

Liam dropped the hug and stared at me. "Why are you crying?" Liam asked sympathy was what I heard fin his words. "All the things I have went through in life. I had never cried. This is the first time I was not afraid to be wimpish." I cried, beridding the tears of my face. 

Liam nodded. 

"You, Amber, don't need to worry any longer, it has passed and now you have the five of us.Your new family. Amber, We can't escape the demons now, unless you show us how."  

A/N Hey guys its Alexa, of course, how did you like this chapter, sorry its a bit late. But oh well, And if you were wondering, this chapter was inspired by the song Demons, by Imagine Dragons. 

So that is all, go back to your lives while I hang with Hades in the underworld, By the way, Hades says, "Hello." 

 Hope you enjoyed the chapter, don't forget to Comment/Fan/Vote.

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