Chapter 9 | Interesting....

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I guickly threw on the clothes Zayn threw me. I heard knocking on the door. To see, an unfamiliar man....

"Er...Hello, Stranger." He was wearing an orange hoodie and white skinny jeans with black converse, his face covered by the hoodie.

He walked over to me and threw me over his shoulder, Meh...Used to it now.

I got on top of his head and l looked into the little hole of the hoodie. "Oh, Hi Niall." "That didn't take long." He replied. "That's curase, I am smarticals." He chuckled pulling me off his head and onto his shoulder. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Well, The guys, and you are going to the Mall!" He said cheering. "Oh HELL NAH!" I screamed. "Why you are a chick you should like them." He remarked patting my side. "Not If you are a FREAKING MAJOR TOM." I yelled evily.

We went down the stairs and it started to become bumpy. Once we were down them he set me down and put me in front of the doors. "Whoop! Freedom?" I asked. They shook their heads. I whined. Louis and Harry took my hands, I shivered. Zayn, Niall, and Liam, walked on the opposite sides of Harry and Louis. "What's wrong, Love?" "Okay, A. I was kidnapped by five dudes I have to look up at to make eye contact with. I am a technology freakaziod, so being without technology will make me go mentally insane." We walked as we were talking. Liam turned around and locked the doors.

They pushed me into the silver mini van, Niall sat in the back, Harry and Zayn sat at my side and Louis sat next to Liam in the passengers seat. These boys better be careful, at the mall I can escape easily.

The drive was long and boring until, they turned the radio on and the announcer was on, I listened intently.

Now we would like to present the number on song on the chart at the moment.

The Great Escape.

I squealed with delight, I love this song.

I began singing as it played.

I can understand how where the edges around.

And they cut you, like the tiny slivers of glass, and It feels wrong, but you don't know how long it's going to last.

The song stopped after I had sung it completely.

The guys looked at me in awe. "What?" Thats when I realized Zayn and Harry had their arms rapped around my waist and Liam, had stopped the van and was staring at me in shock. "Y-You can sing." Louis stuttered. "Thanks?" I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Now." I pushed Harry and Zayns faces so they let go of my waist. "Never do that again, you pervs." I said heroically. They gave me a saddened look. "Hey Liam? Why aren't. You driving?" I asked. "We have been here for twenty minutes..."

"Oh. Now you two retarded sheep get out of the freaking car...Or I will have to run one of you over with a bull doser." I pointed to Harry. "Preferably you." He frantically got out of the car. I chuckled. "Ha! Harry is scared of me!" I jumped out of the van to be caught by Harry in his arms.

"Do you want to be run over by a bulldoser?" I asked.

"Nope, but we are older than you, so.....We can do what we want."

I sighed. "Well then how old are you?"

"Oh, we are all in our early twenties."

I began struggling. "Let me go!"

"Sorry babe you know we can't do that." He smiled evilly as I struggled in his arms.

He set me down on the ground of the mall.

I crossed my arms

"I hate you all." I yelled at them. Zayn patted my head. I pushed his hand away storming across the mall to Auntie Anne's.

"Thank The Lord Of Diamond Swords!" I prayed staring at the sky.

I walked into to see five alluring and sexy faces staring write at me.

I face palmed.

They all had pretzel sticks and cheese. I sighed.

"How the hell, did you know I was here?" I sat down taking one of Niall's pretzels and stuffing it into my mouth.

Liam opened his mouth to speak first. "The tracker it tells where you are going." "That's stupid."

"It also has a camera in it that shows your every move." Harry stated. He had an evil smile on his face.

That scared me mentally and physically.

"Er....I am going to leave now." I slowly stood up. I felt someone grab my wrist tightly. It was Louis. "Please, Stay." Awe how am I to say no to that face. I quickly sat down. "What do you want. I hate it here so what do you expect me to do."

Zayn smirked. I could see the gears in his head turning. 

I had a look of fear and self  bravery across my face. 

I looked over to Harry pointing to Zayn. "Oh, that is just when he is thinking about sexuall things." 

I got up and threw my hands into the air screaming running away from Auntie Annes. I ran out of the shopping mall. I looked up at the sign and seized screaming the sign read Flendorf Mall, England. 

"Oh MY GOD! THEY FLEW ME HALFWAY ACROSS THE F---ING WORLD!!!" I began running around in circles screaming.

I felt two arms grab mine, it instantly calmed me down. Oh wait pressure point. Duh. I looked to see who was making me calm it was Harry. 

I fell back into his arms. He caught me and picked me up bridal style to the car. He set me in the back of the van until the rest of the boys came in the car. I crossed my arms when I saw them. I was sitting on the floor of the trunk of the van, my hair was madded and I was sweating. 

I sighed deeply and laid down on the floor. A single tear escaped my eye and I sniffled. What have I done to deserve this? I felt a strong arm go around my waist, That is the last thing I remeber before I shut my eyes and fell asleep.


Nialls POV.

I can't help but feel bad for her I mean we put her through so much. At least we baught her some clothes from Carls Car Emporium. Weird name right? 

Zayn, Harry, Liam, Louis and I walked over to Auntie Annes. Louis spoke, "Guys I am starting to feel guilty for kidnapping her." "Me too." I announced. "Well, we can't do anything about it." Zayn spat. I could tell that something was wrong with him, really wrong. We ploped down at a table at Auntie Annes. Liam went and ordered our food and sat back down. He passed everyone their food. I looked excitedly at it, and started munching right away. I looked out the door of the shoppe, and saw Amber, She appeared to be praying or something. She walked and saw us five. We all smirked.

She walked in and slapped her face. What the? "How the hell, did you know I was here?" She asked cleary enraged. 


She walked out of Auntie Annes screaming. Oh god now Zayn has done it. 

Liam walked over and smacked the back of Zayn and Harry's heads. "OW!" They screamed grabbing the back of their heads. "NOW ONE OF YOU TWO GO GET HER BACK!" Liam yelled at them. They quickly ran around the mall searching for her until they finally got outside and saw her screaming. 

Harry grabbed her elbow and pinched and she instantly calmed down. Harry picked her up bridal style and set her in the trunk of the van. Harry hopped in the passangers seat and later Zayn hopped in the middle row etc...

She was quiet fo a while when I heard her quietly sobbing I climbed over the back of the seat and laid down next to her, I rapped my arm around her waist and caressed her face, under my breath I said, Your beautiful. And went into a dreamless sleep.




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