Chapter 4 Escape Plan

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I woke up someone was holding my waist tightly up to their chest. I winced then relaxed remembering where I was. I pulled Louis's hands away from me setting them down gently.

I looked around the room for a window. I spotted a small one at the end of the room. I slowly got up, making sure I didn't disturb him. I tiptoed over to the window. I heard Louis turn over grabbing the pillow. I smirked, I won't ever have to experience this again. I slowly opened the window. I looked down at the outside. There was enough ledges to not cause any harm to me when I escape.

I slipped out the window grabbing a piece of paper and a pen out of my magic pocket.

I wrote, Bye, Guys thanks for kidnapping me! :).

I left the note on the window.

I pulled the rest of my body out of the window.

I felt someone grab the back of my shirt before I jumped. I was pulled through the window.

"Damn." I muttered. I turned around once I felt the floor.

I looked angrily up at Niall. "Why would you escape?" He smirked. "Hm....Yet me Think...." There was a pause. "You idiots, kidnapped me, and won't let me leave...." I raised an eyebrow. He chuckled patting my head. "Silly girl, you forgot you have a chip inside you." I looked down at my wrist.

"Come child, it's your birthday and Harry prepared a meal for you. We are going out and Harry will stay with you." He walked over to Louis.

He pushed Louis looking down at him a wide grin across his face.

I walked out the door without anyone noticing. I sprinted down the stairs heading for the massive door. I pulled on the doorknob almost yanking it out of the door. I felt someone lift me high in the air. "Where do you think your going?" A deep voice asked me. I crossed my arms looking at who just caught me. "Oh, I don't know, Harry, trying to get out of here." He laughed. He held me up in the air.. I struggled as he carried me over to a dining hall. I gasped as I looked around the room. It was glorious. It had a large wooden dining table a kitchen at the side and a very old cabin looking wall pattern.

He sat me down in a wooden chair. I sighed. "No use in fighting it, Amber. We are not exactly human." He said scrambling eggs. "What?" He ignored me. I looked down at my feet. I was still wearing converse.

I heard someone run down the stair. I looked over at him. It was Zayn. His hair was flattened and he was wearing boxer shorts and a tank top. "Ha, You look stupid." I yelled. His hand went through his hair. He smirked. "As do you, love." He walked over to me and kissed the top of my head. I rolled my eyes.

"Where's Niall? He is always the first one down here." Harry asked. Zayn and I shrugged. Someone else came down the stairs. It was Louis. "Harry, Niall is getting dressed." "Dressed, he never-" I cut him off. "No one cares...." Harry shot an evil glare at me.

"Can, I go home know." "Nope." They all answered. "Why?" I whined. "Becau-" They were cut off by someone running down the stairs.

"Harry, I'm hungry." "I know we will go on a hunt later." Niall nodded.

Harry grabbed a plate out of a wooden cabinet. He put eggs and bacon on a plate and gave it to me. " am I going to eat this, there isn't silverware. Harry opened a draw and gave me a knife and fork. "Thanks, The food isn't drugged right?" "It's not." Harry answered.

The guys walked up to a plate and took one and sat down. Niall sat to my right and Harry sat to me left. "So..." Niall began, "Tell us about yourself." "Nah." I denied. Niall sighed. "Fine, If you won't then..." He looked around the room. "We will put you on a leash outside." "Fine, But if that happened, I could get out." I smirked. They shot me an evil glare. "Well, I am 17, as you know, I like to draw and am very artistic. I am also a major tom." They looked at me with confused looks on their faces. "Oh, It means I am mostly a guy more than I would be a girl." They looked down at their food saddened.

Niall got up. "Okay...Guys let's go on a hunt. Harry stay here since it's your day." Harry nodded. They went up to their rooms and got dressed and quickly came back down the stairs kissing me on the head before leaving. "Bye, love." Louis said before shutting the large door. I looked over shooting Harry an evil glare. "What?" He rolled his shoulders.

"Oh yeah. Also being a tomboy means, I have the mind of a guy. Meaning I can think up of anything a guy can do. Like an escape plan."

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