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Let me tell you a story, one almost as old as time. A tale that starts out no other then the infamous Romeo and Juliet, but ends on a.. much different note that's been tossed around and handed down through a few generations.

Our tale begins in 1995, somewhere in Eastern Europe.

Behold Juliet, a beauty. A beauty that knew no limits of love. Beauty with long black hair, and eyes as mahogany as a fine wood finish. Her skin was that of porcelain and she had an hourglass figure that was perfectly proportioned. She wore a dress as blue as the night sky that was slightly outdated, but still classy.

The young woman walked into a bar, where all the eyes turned to her. She scanned the room, where her eyes locked with his. A dirty blonde young man with a tall but lanky build had his hair tied back in a ponytail and was wearing a suit. His tie untied, as though he'd had a rough day. His cheeks slightly rosy with the scotch he'd been drinking. He too was looking around the room, when his midnight-blue eyes met hers.


He stood, and started across the crowded and Smokey room, He ushered bodies out of his way as he closed the gap between them. Then his feet rested firmly on the ground in front of her.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." The man smirked at the woman, he fixed the hem of his suit jacket and introduced himself. "My name is Jameson, Jameson Saluvadia, But my friends call me James, it's nice to meet you Miss. " he said to the beautiful creature in front of him.

The woman smiled a soft but sweet smile. "Sarah, Sarah Toya."

"Well Sarah, may I buy you a drink? " He asked.

"Well yes, you may." She smiled and took his arm as they walked up to the bar.

They swung and sung the night away until the crack of dawn.

James walked Sarah home but see he didn't leave at the door, after only one night together, He knew he was falling for her.

He entered the previously vacant home and kissed Sarah hard. She gasped but let him.
He took her upstairs. And they did what they were bound to do in their drunken states.

A few weeks went on and James and Sarah became extremely close, But what they both didn't know was that they were both hiding a massive secret from one another.

Sarah, she was a vampire. A pureblood vampire, one of the truest forms.

And James. He was a hunter.

Sarah soon found out she was with child, and when James found out he asked for her hand. And so they became wed at the young ages of 21, ( well, James was at least. )

After the wedding, Sarah told James about her secret, and James told Sarah about his. They came from two different worlds but weren't willing to give up. So, for a while they were perfect. Up until The Hunter's council found out about Sarah.

James flew under the radar as long as he could, but they were too smart for him. The council confronted James and gave him an ultimatum. One to which he lay down his life with Sarah or consume hers with the council. James loved this woman. So, he tried to fight their proposition.

"You can't do anything without probable cause that she is hurting humans!" James screamed. But then, they handed him proof, proof from her previous life, the life she had kept a secret from James.

Sarah's past life resided with a man, a man also with a young face, but an old soul. This man's name was Thomas. He also had black hair, but his eyes were as blue as the day sky, And like Sarah, Thomas was also a pureblood vampire, and they had a boy, a boy named Lovely. Sarah had left that life two and a half years before meeting James. After an incident where she could not control herself. She decided it would be best for her to leave, and if Sarah kept it her way, James would never find out about her other life. But sadly the council told James what they knew and told him that if she slipped again, she was a liability, and would have to be terminated.

When She Stepped Into the 'Real World' ( a Vampire Knight story ) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now