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Mira spent the night writing on her laptop, she'd pumped out the last several chapters of her book, and all that was left for her was to proof read it. She grinned as she got up to open her balcony doors letting the spring evening breeze in with a smile.

"Things are so much nicer now, wouldn't you agree?" Mira asked Ginko, who laid on her bed staring at the ceiling.

"Yeah they are." Ginko smiled at his best friend who had made a full recovery shortly after Chris had left. He looked at his watch and sat up. "Hey Mira, I gotta take off. I have something to take care of." He explained as he stood up.

"Oh, yeah go for it! I'll catch you later!" She said as she headed out onto her balcony for a smoke.

Ginko backed toward her door, and grabbed her bat from beside it without her noticing before closing the door quickly behind him.


Chris went out early in the morning in the late spring for a jog, the sun had barely risen as he put in his head phones and stretched his legs.

He began his usual morning jog on the route he'd done it on all week since he'd returned home. but today something seemed different, off.

He couldn't put his finger on what it was so he simply carried on with his morning routine and began down the hill from his house down the sleepy side road in the city. He made it about three blocks before he was sure something was wrong. He stopped running and took out a headphone as he turned around to look behind him, Only to be greeted with a baseball bat to the side of his head.

The wet crack echoed through the empty street as Chris hit the ground with a groan. He looked up in his double vision to see the white haired kid from cross standing over him with a small grin on his face he was dazed and confused. He'd been caught off guard and it gave Ginko the advantage.

"Hi, remembered me? I'm 'who ever the fuck that is' and I'm here to fuck your day up" Ginko said with enthusiasm as gave Chris another good smack with the bat, bangs covering his eyes as he smiled. "Though you probably don't, all you really care about is the boner you have for my best friend" Ginko explained as he dropped the bat then moved his way to straddled Chris.      "This is for hurting her." Ginko growled as he punched Chris in the face. "This is for stalking her" he said as he broke his nose. "This is for turning her friend into a vampire." Gin spat as he laid another one on him. As Chris's blood began to fly from his fists. "Oh, and this ones for being an inconvenience to my boyfriend." Ginko said as he brought his fist down to hit Chris.

Chris caught his fist and twisted it harshly snapping his wrist. Ginko yelped in pain as Chris reached for the bat and whacked Gin with it, knocking him off of his lap. Chris growled as he sat up. He spit out a tooth as he crawled to his feet. He wiped the blood from his mouth with the sleeve of his sweater as his tooth began to re grow.

"You know, whoever the fuck you are, you've got spunk, I give you that. But that's about the only brownie points your gonna get from me." He said as he took the bat and raised it over his head, before swinging it straight down quickly and cracking Ginko in the ribs breaking two of them as the bat collided with his torso. Chris chuckled as Ginko screamed. "You don't come at a guy almost twice your height and and size with a bat and expect it to go well. The hell were you thinking kid?" He asked with a smirk.

"Honestly? I just wanted to hurt you as much as you hurt her, and I think my missions accomplished." He choked out. Between wheezing breaths.Chris looked up to the sky and nodded side to side in agreement.

"You know, your probably right. But was it worth your life?" He asked honestly as he dropped the bat and straddled Gin the way he had previously straddled him. "I'm not at cross, I'm not following anyone's rules but my own." He explained as he punched Ginko in the face. Ginko winced as he squirmed beneath him, Chris smirked as he dripped blood on Ginko's face before digging his hand into Ginko's chest and grabbing hold of his heart.

Ginko gasped as his eyes widened as he looked up at Chris.

"Any last words?" Chris spoke with a grin on his face as he hovered over Ginko, holding his life in his hands.

Ginkos feared look contorted into a sick grin as he brought his hand up to Chris's face, flipping him off as he shoved a blade into Chris's spleen with his free hand.

"Fuck you" Ginko replied as he disappeared from below Chris, and teleported to the roof top of the night dorm to recover as he laughed to himself.

Leaving Chris in the fetal position in the street to bleed out into the near by drain as the sun almost finished its rising cycle. He reached for the near by baseball bat and used it to climb to his feet, as he slowly limped back up the hill toward his home, leaving a trail of blood behind him as he moved.

When She Stepped Into the 'Real World' ( a Vampire Knight story ) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now