Chapter 2

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Later that evening

Mira finished unpacking and placed her laptop securely into her desk drawer. She tossed on the lights that she had tacked around the desk and surrounding area and collapsed the last box before tossing it in her closet and sliding on her boots. She tossed on her purple pullover tucked it into the hem of her black skirt. She fixed her thigh high socks and grabbed her room key, gate key, and map then started for the door.

She made her way into the hall and down the corridor to the balcony that oversaw the main floor of the dorm. She tucked her keys in her purse and grabbed the railing as she walked down the stairs. She took the time to explore the empty dorm, she found the kitchen and started raiding it for food.

Mira seemed to be craving popsicles, but all she could find was Strawberry Haugendaus, she pulled it out and found a spoon and continued on her journey through the mansion. Eventually, she made her way out the back door to the pool and took a look around, at this point the sun was nearly finished setting and she didn't know whether she wanted to explore the back trail or take the main road to the school. She pulled her Opal out of her purse and looked at it, she rubbed it a few times she smiled and started to head towards the school. She felt that someone was watching her, but she shrugged it off and continued on her journey.

She made it to the main building and started exploring the school. it seemed to be quiet and never-ending. She found room after room and then a ballroom, she nodded and smiled as she continued on her way.

Soon she ditched her ice cream in a hallway garbage can, at one point she got lost but she ended up finding her way in the maze that was her new home for the next few years.

Mira eventually made her way to the main gate before being taken aback by a voice.

"Just where do you think you're going?" A husky male voice spoke.

Mira spun on her heel to see none other than zero. She double took and paused. "Oh so now you'll talk to me? It's not like you haven't been following me for the last hour." She smirked.

"Now correct me if I'm wrong, but you have no rule over me on this side." She asked as she stepped through the gate.

Zero rolled his eyes.

"You sure you don't want to follow me some more? I mean I do have no idea where I'm going besides this map my dad got me." she waved it around in front of her face.

"I'm sure." He hissed, he stepped in place then turned on his heel to go back the other direction.

"Whatever you say Z." Mira also turned the other direction and started to walk.

Zero stopped dead in his tracks. "Don't call me Z. And at least close the gate... vampire." He called back to her.

"My name is Mira. Don't talk to me unless you wanna address me by it. Thanks." she doubled back and closed the gate before continuing her trek into town.


Not long after, she found herself face to face with a level E. Mira stood for a moment, half-frozen. Half amazed. The air was heavy, and the sky was black. The city was dead, and there wasn't a soul in sight.

"Why hello there." The level E trailed licking his lips. His face had contorted into a wicked smile. His eyes the size of moons but pupils and irises the size of peas, they were running a permanent blood red. His blue hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and his build was tall and muscular.

Mira smiled sweetly at the creature that stood before her. "Hello~," she said making her most pleasant smile, but shortly after, her tone dropped "vampire." She hissed.

When She Stepped Into the 'Real World' ( a Vampire Knight story ) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now