Chapter 4

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Monday evening woke Mira from a dead sleep.

More specifically, Ginko woke Mira from a dead sleep by throwing a stuffed dragon at her like a torpedo.

Mira groaned and sat up, looking at Ginko with a very unimpressed expression on her face.

"Was that really necessary asshole?" Mira groaned at Ginko.

"Well, I've been yelling your name for the last 10 minutes while getting ready for class. So yes. It was." He said fixing the emblem on his tie in the mirror. Ginko carefully ran his hand down his suit jacket and turned to look at Mira. "Well, how do I look?" He smiled.

Mira rubbed her eyes with a yawn, groaned and climbed out of bed. "You look great Gin." She sighed as she took off her 3 sizes too big T-shirt and found her bra.

Ginko smiled, no one had called him that in years. Not since his brother Hazel left home. He walked over to his desk and leaned on it with a yawn.

Mira fastens the clasp on her bra and carefully began to put on her uniform, she pulled up her thigh high stockings and slid on her skirt, tucking her black dress shirt into it. She grabbed her red ribbon and looked in the vanity, her hair hanging down against her shoulders.

She bit her lip and thought it over, she didn't want the entire night class to just know her as 'Rimas cousin.' So she decided to use the ribbon to tie her hair into a high ponytail. She left her dress shirt unbuttoned down to the bust and slipped on her dress jacket doing up one button in the center, she then slipped into her boots before looking at Ginko with a smile. The clock on the wall behind him caught her eye then her face contorted into a distressed expression.

"Fuck it. Let's go Kanames gonna kill us if we're late." She grabbed her messenger bag and threw it over her shoulder, she then grabbed Ginko by the wrist as she ran out of their bedroom door, Dragging him behind.

Ginko made a distressed noise as he was dragged down the hall.

They both ran down the stairs to see the entire night class staring at them. Ginko whined in awkward frustration. Kaname looked particularly frustrated as he crossed his books over his chest. "Now that everyone is here, let's go." He looked Mira in the eye before turning around and opening the door, letting the sunlight into the dark dorm.

A few winces and uncomfortable faces were made amongst the class, Mira hung in the back with Ginko as they walked to the gate. Whispers and voices could be heard on the other side. Mira looked at Ginko who returned the look and shrugged. They both faced forward again as the night class all came to a stop.

The gates opened to reveal a flood of boys and girls all in opposite uniforms of what the night class was wearing. Instead of white with black accents, theirs were black with white.

Mira's eyes widened as she saw so many people screaming and yelling as the class walked through. She looked around as people started to chatter. Questions lifted amongst the humans as they spoke of speculations about new students.

Mira continued to look around and double took when out of the corner of her eye she saw zero, in the same opposite uniform as the others, she held her gaze on him as she walked.

He was fighting with some of the human girls that were trying to get a better look at the night class students.

"THAT'S ENOUGH I SAID BACK UP." He growled at the girls who seemed to cower in fear. Mira tried to hide a smile as she turned back the right way and continued to walk.

Zero glanced in her direction and watched her walk away hugging her book tightly to her chest, 'nice ponytail.' He thought to himself as he turned back towards the students.

When She Stepped Into the 'Real World' ( a Vampire Knight story ) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now