Chapter 3: Game Changer

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Nikki's POV


Nikki quickly ran to find her sister Brie. She searched everywhere. People were starring at her with the mascara running down her cheeks. She ran to the divas' locker room where Brie was in there alone.

"Nicole!" Brie got up and ran over to her sister giving her a hug. "I looked everywhere for you. Where have you been?!"

"I don't even know, where's John? I need to find him. Have you seen him?" Nikki asked looking at her younger sister.

"Yeah, check his locker room. He's an emotional reck." Brie said shaking her head.

"Thank you so much." Nikki said leaving. She ran as fast as she could to her boyfriend's room. She walked through the door and his eyes lit up with excitement. He threw down his shirt that was in his hand. He quickly walked over and picked her up.

"God! I've been so worried about you. Did they hurt you? Tell me the truth." He looked into her eyes.

"No, I'm fine. They just-they want me to screw you in your championship match. I told them I couldn't, I can't do that to you." She looked up at the taller man. "I wasn't suppose to tell you but I couldn't hold it in."

"You did the right thing, let's clean you up and get you to hotel."


A few minutes later they both had their bags ready to leave. They walked out to the parking lot to their rental car. They put their bags into the trunk and they quickly got in and drove off.

"Now tell me again, what do they want you to do?" He asked.

"They want me to cost you you're match with Roman, on Sunday. If they even found out I told, Seth said he was gonna come for me." She looked at him. "I'm scared John, you should've seen the look in his eyes. He meant what he said."

"As long as I'm around, they're not gonna do anything."

Both arrived at the hotel at a reasonable time of the night. John grabbed the bag and headed to the front desk for their key to the room they were staying in.

"I left something in the car, I'm gonna go back and get it."

"All right, just hurry back."

Nikki grabbed the keys and made her way back to the car. She grabbed her jacket from the care and a black figure seemed to come out of the shadows and put his/her hand across her mouth.

The low tone said to her, "You scream, you'll regret it."

Nikki's heart was racing, she didn't know who this person was. She couldn't see his/her face.

"I heard you telling John about what Seth told you to do. Now, I'm not a snitch, but you're lucky I actually see something in you." This person said in her lower tone. "Look, I want to take down the shield just as much as we all do, be careful." The person seemed to disappear in the darkness of the night.

Nicole rushed back to her room and quickly opened the door.

"Hey, what took you so long?" John asked.

"I had to go back to the arena to get my jacket." She lied.

"Oh ok, come here, I have something for you." John gave her a smirk.

"What is it?" She smiled and say down on the bed next to John.

"This." John gave her the most passionately kiss to date. Nikki deepened the kiss. She imagined John as Seth. She was actually turned on about what happened tonight. She faked everything, and John was playing right into her game. Few minutes later clothes was on the floor, and moans filled the room.

"Oh John," Nikki moaned out as she was grabbing the sheets to show she was pleasured. John gave her deep and hard thrusts under the sheets. She was close, and John knew it and few more pumps and Nikki gave in.

"Thank you so much for that," she turned to face him landing a soft kiss on his lips.

"Anytime. Get some rest, you're gonna need it for tomorrow."

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