The next morning.

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You wake up to a loud buzzing alarm and groan "What time is it?" "It's 7 a.m. Tara time to wake up." "Can't I just have 5 more minutes Zayn?" "No, you need to get up." "But I don't go to school so why do I have to get up?" "Because it's a part of our job to get everyone up even if they don't go to school."

Terry groaned as she rolled out of Louis's bed onto the floor, "Why must it be so early? I just want to sleep." "I want to sleep too Tara but I have to get up." "Well, Liam that's your job, not mine anymore." "True but still." "Don't but still me mister." "Whatever, just come into the kitchen for food."

Terry and the others got up out of bed after about 10 minutes of complaining and went into the kitchen.

"You know I hate mornings right?" "Yes, Michael we are well aware that you hate mornings you tell us this every single morning."

"Well, Luke you don't have to be such grouchy pants." "Oh, I'm the grouchy pants? You're the one complaining about mornings."

"That reminds me time to wake everyone else up and get them off to school so we can just do whatever today." "Yeah, you're right Michael we do need to get them to school."

(15 minutes later)

"We've tried everything but they just won't get up," Harry said annoyed.

"Well, Harry let me try." Terry said as she then reached into the bottom kitchen drawer and pulled out an air horn again, "This should get them up and going."

Terry used the airhorn and all her brothers woke up late and went to school.

"Okay so what fun things do we have planned for today?" asked Terry.

The boys started thinking, "Well we could go on that bike trail again." "No Luke we did that yesterday and you got hurt because you didn't listen."

"Well, we could go out for a walk." "But Harry It's too hot to be walking."
"Well fine Michael why don't you pick?"

"I got an idea! How about we go to the mall?" "I'm sorry Calum but I hate the mall." "Tara, how can you hate the mall?" "Because I just do Calum, How about we just go hiking? I know some trails about 20 minutes from here."

"Okay, Tara sounds fun!" "Oh so now you're up for walking, Michael?" "Duh" "God, Y'all just go get packed," Tara said already annoyed.

The car ride wasn't fun because we had to take 2 cars and everyone fought over who got shotgun and who would drive, well I drove since I knew where the place would be and Luke won shotgun out of several rock paper scissors games.

I had Luke, Ashton, Michael, and Calum in my car, Harry was driving the other car with Zayn in the shotgun seat he also had Liam, Louis, and Niall in his car.

"Are we there yet?" "Michael we just got on the road." "So what Luke I wanted to sit upfront." "Well you lost the game so suck it." "Boys knock it off I'm not hearing you fucking argue the whole damn car ride!" "Oh my god, Terry you just cussed!" "Yes I did okay, but I don't want to hear arguing and fighting for 20 minutes."

"I'm going to have to ground you, Terry." "Ground me? You can't do that." "Yes, I can I'm your babysitter too!" "No, you're my brother's babysitter's not mine." "Your dad hired us to be your babysitter too," Calum said.

Terry slammed on the breaks which made Harry almost hit your car.

"My babysitter? What the actual fuck! He left me alone for 12 damn shitty ass years to raise my disrespectful inconsiderate brothers and now he worries about me! This is bullshit I've been taking care of myself for 12 damn years plus all of my siblings I can surely take care of myself by now! I can't believe he even has the nerve to do this!"

"Okay, Tara calm down to take it easy now." "Take it easy! Ashton this Asshole has done ticked me off more than he has in my entire life and how he just wants to suddenly pop back up and be like oh hey here's some babysitters knowingly knowing I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself! No, I'm not doing this."

Terry got out of the car and started to walk away, "We should go after her." "I got it Calum." Ashton stepped out of the car and followed Tara.

"Where do you think you're going?" "Away from here Ashton." "Why is that?" "I already told you." "Just get back into the car Tara." "What? And let y'all babysit me? I'm fine the way I am I don't need this crap." "Where are you going!" "I'm going to my friend's house that's where."

"No, you're not now get back into the car." "I'm not getting back into the car Ashton." "Get back into the car we can still go hiking." "You can not and will not make me get back into that car Ashton." "Watch me, Terry." "what do you mean by that?"

Ashton picked Terry up and put her over his shoulder, Terry screamed while Ashton carried her back to the car and put her in the back seat in the middle seat where he was sitting, Ashton got into the front seat and started driving.

"I told you to get back into the car, now we're going hiking." "I don't want to go anymore." "Well, we're still going." "I'm not going to tell you the directions." "Google maps has those." Terry tried to open the door but Ashton kept locking it and Calum wouldn't let her out.

"You know what? What the fuck ever it's whatever anymore."

"What is your problem, Terry?" "What's my problem? What's my problem? Well I'll tell you what my problem is Ashton, my deadbeat dad finally decided to show up back in my life just to get me babysitters even though I'm the one who took care of everything for 12 years alone, I took care of the bills I took care of my brother's I cooked I cleaned I did everything and now he decides to show up like nothing ever happened? Do you know how that makes me feel? It makes me feel worthless like I'm nothing but a piece of shit."

"I know it's hard but," "No Ashton you don't know, I've read everything about you boys I've seen every interview how you talked about raising your family yeah that's hard but have you raised 17 brothers? Who's constantly horny? It hurts and you have no clue what I've been through."

"Terry, what do you mean by constantly horny?" "I don't want to talk about it, Luke." "What'd they do to you?" "Luke I said I don't want to talk about it!" "We can talk later." "No!"

"Okay how about we turn the radio on?" "Whatever Luke."



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