Hiking part. 2

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We kept walking and came across a bridge, "This is so beautiful" Niall said as he stepped upon the bridge.

"I can't believe how beautiful this is!" Louis exclaimed as he stepped upon the bridge as well.

Tara walked upon the bridge too, she took her backpack off and handed it to Crystal, "Here hold this!" Tara exclaimed.

The bridge didn't look like it but it was up 100 Feet in the air away from the water.

The boys looked confused until Tara jumped off of the bridge.

Their faces filled with horror as they saw her falling, Ashton started running across the bridge and sliding on the hill trying not to lose his balance and tumble down.

"Omg Terry!" Liam yelled as he started to panic.

The other guys were going to follow Ashton until Crystal said: "Boys calm down we do this all the time!"

"What jumps to your death!" Liam yelled, "No it's just water," JoJo said as she dropped her backpack and jumped from the bridge, Terry hit the water while JoJo was on her way down, Crystal follow suit after taking her backpack off and laying it where she laid Tara's.

Tara came up from the water, Ashton reached the bottom of the hill, "What the hell were you thinking! You could've gotten yourself killed!" Ashton yelled at Tara then he saw JoJo fall into the water and a few seconds later Crystal hit the water as well.

Ashton swam over to Tara and grabbed her arm, "Come on the hike is over." "Ashton we always do this" "I don't care Terry you could have died!" "Ashton I'm going to die someday so I might as well die happy!" Tara yelled back yanking her arm away from Ashton and swimming back to JoJo and Crystal.

Ashton swam over to Tara "We're leaving now!" Ashton yelled at her, "Ashton calm your tits we always do this it's our tradition" JoJo said as she started floating in the water, "I don't care you all could've gotten yourself hurt."

"We never do get hurt." Said, Crystal, as she started swimming around in the water, "You could always get hurt if not this time next time." "Ashton just chill." "I'm not chilling Tara now come on" "Now who's asking like a little kid?" "You are Terry now let's go."

Tara sighed as she started to swim to the bank of the pond, "Are you leaving Tara?" "I don't want to" "But you are," Ashton said as he got out of the water.

Just then Zayn and Calum jumped off of the bridge, Ashton looked shocked "See they're doing it too it's fun!" "I don't care, Terry, they don't have to be setting bad examples" Tara rolled her eyes as she got out of the water.

Zayn and Calum hit the water and had done come up, "Guys we're going back home come on!" Ashton yelled for everyone to hear as he climbed up the hill, "Ashton there's an easier way to get up" Tara said

Tara climbed up the side of the bridge, "Tara doesn't do that you can fall" "Ashton it's just simple rock climbing"

"I don't care," Ashton said as he got to the top of the hill. Zayn, Calum, JoJo, and Crystal followed Tara up the bridge beings it was easier.

"Party pooper" Tara whispered underneath her breath as she picked up her bag. "It's time to go come on," Ashton said as he started hiking back.

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