Keith I

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Blood and sweat trickled down my forehead as I sliced through an Altean android in the training hall. It was the 30th one I've beaten and I was starting to get tired.

"Keith, I think you should take a break," Shiro said. He was in the training halls control room, staring down at me in worry.

"I'm fine, next level!" I said, defiantly. It had been a week since I learned of my Galra heritage and I could feel the other's stare at me like I was a different person. Even she stares at me like I'm a stranger.... He thought.

"No Keith. I won't," Shiro replied.

"Why not? I can keep going!"

"Keith, why do you feel like you should?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Before Shiro could reply, Pidge came up from behind him and initiated level 40, ten levels above my last fight. I then became surrounded by 20 riflemen, 10 swords men, 2 assassin's, and 8 axemen.

"Pidge!? Why'd you do that?" I heard Shiro ask as I deflected bolts of energy with my Bayard. I  was able to take out each of the riflemen with their own bolts of energy, but the axe and sword wielders took me a minute to take out. The assassin's, however, wouldn't stop moving and were impossible to hit with my Bayard, so I quickly sent it away and pulled out my Marmoran blade, blocking and dodging their attacks with equal mobility.

When I finally defeated the two, I was exhausted and collapsed.

"Keith!" I heard two voices shout as I slipped into unconsciousness.

So this is my first attempt at a kidge story. The chapters will be in Pidge and Keith's points of view (unless someone asks for another person's POV, which I'll be ok with). I hope you all enjoy this story and if you do please vote, comment, and follow me. :)

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