Keith II

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I woke up in Pidge's arms long enough to say her name before collapsing again. Now I was in a dark room? Where am I? Am I dreaming?

'Hello Keith' I spun around to see Allura staring at me angrily. Your nothing but a filthy Galra! You should die where you stand!

I backed away from her and into the barrel of a gun. It was Lance, his finger on the trigger.

'Don't move, Galra. I won't hesitate to fire if you do.'

"Lance... We're friends... Aren't we?"

'Not anymore'

"Then why haven't you pulled the trigger?"

'He's waiting for me'  in front of me is the one person who I didn't expect to see.


Shut up, This'll be easier if you do.

"What do you mean?"

This is goodbye and good riddance, Keith

She charged at me with her Bayard and stabbed me in the gut. I woke up and sat up instantly, shivering in fear.

"Keith?" A voice I recognized as Pidge asked. She was laying next to me in my bed. What's she doing in my bed???

"Are you ok? What happened?" She asked, sitting up.


"What was it about?"

"Doesn't matter..."

"Tell me," she whined and hugged me. I reluctantly told her and she looked at me with a pained look.

"I... Killed you...?"


"I... I should probably go then... Even though space dad told me not to leave your side... I..."

"It's ok Pidge... It was just a dream... You can stay. I probably won't be getting anymore sleep though..." I reached under my pillow for my Marmoran blade, but it wasn't there. Pidge pulled it out and said, "looking for this?"

"How did-"

"I held onto it while Shiro carried you here... I told him I'd stay with you until you woke up..."

I reached for the blade, but she pulled it away to examine it.

"I wonder what it's made of... The metal is like nothing I've seen before..."

"You can analyze it if you'd like, but I want it back afterwards."

"Are you serious!?" Her eyes sparkling.

"Yeah, I don't mind."

"Well... I'm actually going to need you there so I can see how the transformation of the blade works. Also I've been wanting to do a test on your DNA since we found out about your heritage. You don't mind, do you?"

"No, not at all, but why don't we go now while the others are asleep so we don't get shit on by Allura."

"I'd rather worry about space dad trying to stop us."

"You know I can hear you right?" Shiro said over our communicators.

"How long have you been listening to us, Space Dad?"

"About five minutes. Why are you two up? You should be asleep."

"Keith had a nightmare and doesn't think he'll be able to fall asleep again, and I have too much on my mind to sleep!"

"Ok, ok chill. Keith what was the nightmare about?"

"I'll tell you later... I'd rather do it in person than over comms..."

"Ok... I'm gonna get some more sleep, you two go do that thing."

He hung up, I got up turned on the light, and blushed immediately.

"Umm... Pidge... Why aren't I wearing pants?" I asked without facing her.

"They were soaked in blood and all cut up... So I took them off you..."

"Oh, ok" I said, spinning around to face her. When I opened my eyes, I blushed even harder. "W-wheres your shirt!?"

She was only wearing a green bra, exposing her pale body.

"I got your blood on it, so I took it off. Plus I sleep more comfortably like this."

"Ok, just gimme a sec." I walked over to a computer, threw in a few words, and a green tank top with the Green Lion on it showed up in a small container. I handed it to Pidge.

"How did you just do that?"

"Lance didn't tell you about it?"


"I'll show you it later."

I threw on some black jeans and she pulled the tank top over head.

It looks really good on her... I thought.

"So, you ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go Pidge."

Long chapter! Really enjoying it! See in the next one! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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