Pidge VI

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Coran had us land in a meadow. I know I've said that I hate being outside, but this place was gorgeous! Flowers with colors spanning from green, blue, red, and purple covered the landscape. I picked up a couple purple ones and sat down.

"So then," Coran started. "Allow me to explain why we're here."

I was paying attention, but also focusing on making a wreath of purple flowers, Keith was sitting behind me with his back against mine, Lance and Hunk were sitting beside each other, and Allura and Shiro were standing next to Coran.

"Allura and I are going to teach each of you paladins magic! Each of us will choose which of you will be in our "class" and go on from there."

"Coran, why don't you pick first, it was your idea after all."

"Alright, then. I'll take Keith. Your turn Allura."

Keith didn't move, but he did nod at Coran.

"Then I'll take Lance," Allura said with a smile, which led me to believe she was up to something.

"Very well, princess. I'll take Pidge with me!"

"Then I'll take Hunk and you can have Shiro!"

I finished the purple wreath and faced Keith, coincidentally he made a green one and placed it on my head. I put the purple one on his and we both laughed.

"Alright you two, let's go," Shiro smiled. We got up and followed Coran to a plateau a little over an hour from where we were standing.

"Alright," Coran said, stopping about 20 feet from the side of the plateau. It was basically a giant rock wall with five waterfalls across it that formed a lake not ten feet from where Coran was standing.

"The first thing you need to know about magic is that it comes in different forms based off which kind of organism is harnessing the quintessence. In your case as being human, it'll come in the form of one of seven elements," he explained. "They are as follows! F-"

"Fire, air, water, earth, lightning, darkness, and light," Keith chimed in. Coran's mouth hit the floor, Shiro smiled, and my eyes widened.


"How did you know that?" Coran asked.

"Their what our world calls the seven elements of life. Keith has studied myths and legends since he was around 10 years old," Shiro chuckled. Keith blushed a violently dark red and looked away from us, which made me giggle and I may have slapped his ass to make him blush even harder.


"I didn't do anything," I said, innocently.

"Stop messing around you two!" Coran yelled. "Now, learning which of these elements you have is the easy part. The hard part is learning how to use them."

He pulled out a stone in the shape of a pentagram. Not the stereotypical upside down one with a ram, but just a five pointed star with two rings around it.

"Here, Shiro. Hold this and concentrate the same way you would with your Lion."

He sat crisscross with his eyes closed. The stones outer ring began to glow a bright gold color, causing Shiro's eyes to snap open and drop it out of shock.

"Coran!? What the actual fuck was that!?"

"The parts that glow mean your power is revealed. In your case, it's light. Next is Pidge's turn! Seeing as your partially Altean, though... It could mean you gain an Altean power as well as a human one," he said all of this with a bright ass smile, making me nervous as hell. I took the stone into my hands and did the same thing Shiro did. When I opened my eyes, two of the pentagrams points were glowing. One was green, the other yellow, and I just tried to guess them.

"Wind and lightning?" I asked.

"Very good, number five! Now, time for Keith's turn! His Galra heritage may also give him something extra, but no one can be su-"

"Keep it away from me..." Keith interrupted.

"Huh?" The three of us said in unison.

"Keep it away... I can only guess what I'll get..."

"Keith, it's not about what you get, you already have it. Plus it's better to discover it than not knowing at all."

"Keith... I know what you're afraid of," I said, he looked at me with a "you do?" face. "Your afraid you'll get darkness, aren't you?"

"Wait, what!?" Shiro exclaimed.

"Yeah... I am Pidgey..."

"Aww, my Litten is afraid to learn Dark Pulse. Does he think I'll love him less?"

He nodded slightly, blushing as he did. I cupped my hands over his cheeks lightly and did the one thing I've wanted to do for months. I kissed him, on the mouth, in front of the almighty Space Dad, and Coran, Coran the gorgeous man. After a few seconds, he kissed me back, albeit with a few tears on his face, but still the best first kiss ever.

"I will never stop loving you, Keith. Even if you were to turn purple with fur and huge ears, I'd still love you all the same. There are many things that my father used to say, but my brother has a saying as well. Darkness isn't evil, it's defined by how the person who's surrounded by it sees it."

Keith's eyes narrowed and he walked up to Coran. Without a word, he took the stone from him. He sat down, closed his eyes, and I swear I saw one more tear roll down his face. A few seconds later, one of the points glowed red and the inner ring glowed a dark purple.

"Fire and darkness..." He sighed.

"At least you're powerful enough to take out a few thousand druids, with enough training that is," Coran said.

"What do we do first?" Shiro asked.

"And how long will we be?"

Coran grinned. "Not long at all. Though I may not be as strong as the princess, I can stop time. For the equivalent of two days."

"Why haven't you used this when we were in trouble!?" Keith asked.

"Because, it causes a lot of physical stress on my body, but it won't kill me if I release in approximately two days."

Time skip, cuz my creativity is running out of ideas for this part.

Keith was learning to use his abilities and like any good...

Wait, are we together!? I mean we kissed and we both love each other, but does it not count until one of us asks the other out?

Anyway, I was worried. He wanted to learn how to use darkness first, even though Coran told him it'd be extremely difficult, and was forced to face his worst fears. As he worked through it, I could see the shadows around him ripple, wave, and start to take shape. He formed his greatest fear out of the shadows.

"Is that? No way..."

"My greatest fear, Pidge... Is losing you... And the rest of the team..."

And he had formed a shadowy version of each of us to show it. My shadow "clone" was dead in Keith's clone's arms. Shadow Keith looked like he was yelling in rage and sadness, but was silent. Keith got up and they lost their shape, but he demonstrated that he could control his ability by shooting a bolt of black energy at a tree, which now had a gaping hole in it, from his finger tips. He then created flame in his palm, forming a small(yet erotic) version of me dancing in his palm.

I shot a blast of wind at him, which sent him flying a good ten feet. Which led straight to the lake. Fucking perfect, Pidge.

Woo. Took me forever, but here it is everyone! This one was really fun to write, but was a pain with school in my way. Hope you enjoyed!

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