Pidge VIII

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Warning; There is a short torture scene in this chapter. 

A few hours after Hunk's party, Keith and I were listening to music on the floor in the training room while the others were doing their daily routines or napping. We didn't really say much, so I tried locating my brother while he laid his head on my shoulder.

"We'll find him Pidgey. I promise," He whispered in my ear sleepily.

"I know Litten. Get some rest, you sound kinda sleepy," I said, kissing his cheek. He chuckled and closed his eyes, drifting off into dreamland. I silently punched in a few keystrokes, tracking signals for whereabouts of my father and Matt, eventually finding traces of a signal on the moon of a Planet called Krayhda. I contemplated checking it out, but I didn't want to wake up Keith, so I set my glasses on my shirt collar and joined my boyfriend in a dreamless sleep.


I woke up to the sound of alarms, Keith readying his Blade of Marmora and activating his fire magic. I activated my lightning and bayard as we ran to the ships deck, red lights blaring across the walls and ceilings. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist, pulling me back.



"Take another step, and the girl gets it, Red Paladin! Or maybe I'll make little green my bi-" Lotor was cut off by a surge of electricity and a blast of wind from my power. he slammed onto the floor and was then met by Keith's flames, which licked at his purple skin maliciously. 

"What was that, Lotor?"

"You're nothing, but a little slut! You deserve to be treated as such!" 

I let electricity arch from my fingertips and into his body. Not enough to kill him, but he wasn't conscious either. Keith picked him up with his shadows and walked him to the deck, me right behind him. Allura turned to face us and her face scrunched up when she spotted Lotor. 

"Looks like we have an intruder after all! Let me guess he tried to kidnap Pidge?" Lance asked.

"No, shit Sherlock!" Keith retorted as he stood the prince up with his darkness.

"I don't understand why he keeps going for Pidge, anyhow. I mean, if I were him I'd go for Allura because she's of royal blood, so why Pidge?" Shiro stated.

"Too bad I won't spill that little detail," Lotors voice rang out. I looked over at the dried up grape and walked toward him, electricity flowing between my fingers.

"I could always force it out of you," I threatened.

"Pidge, wha-" Shiro started, but was rudely interrupted by the raisin.

"Torture? Really? Bring it on, green bean, I've suffered worse!"

"Requiescat in pace, Lotor," I whispered with a smirk. I felt the familiar tingle of my electricity spread throughout my body. Keith and I walked to the training room with Lotor in my boyfriends shadowy clutches. Keith pushed raisin into the wall and I chained the Galran Prince to it. 

"So what now little temptress, gonna strip me down while your at it?"

"What should we start with sweetheart? Should we carve into his skin and let him heal? Maybe electrocute or burn him?" I asked.

"How about we start with a few simple cuts. If that doesn't work, we could get Lance to help me disorder his body temperature," He replied with a wicked smile. Keith handed me his Blade of Marmora, and I took a step toward Lotor. I swear I saw a flash of fear in his eyes as I inched toward him. I whipped the dagger at his face and cut his cheek, visibly flinching from the contact. 

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