Keith VIII

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"Okay... So how are we going to hook those two up?" I asked. Pidge and I were brainstorming different ways to get Lance and Allura together.

"Why don't we try coercing Lance into asking her out?"

"Pidge, as much as I love that idea, we shouldn't torture him into this. We could get Hunk to persuade him, though."

"Brilliant! Now how are we going to get Allura to say yes? I mean, she's in a guilt episode right now so she may not want to talk to anyone."

"Yeah... Tha-"

I was cut off by a distant scream. Pidge and I ran out of her room, and followed the sound of screaming. We ran into the training room, where we found Allura tied up to a crane that was lowering her into a vat of... Wait, is that? Chocolate!?

"Wow... A bittersweet death..." I whispered. "But who's operating the crane?"

"That would be me! Up here, yoo-hoo!"

"Did he just say yoo-hoo? Where's the rabbit!? I need some Yoo-hoo!!!" Pidge joked.

"This isn't the time for jokes, sweetheart," I said. I recognized the voice was Coran's and teleported to him with my shadow magic.

"Ah, Keith!!" He looked at me with eyes that just had a hint of insanity. His words were beyond slurred. "Come ti join the perty?"

With my abilities, I looked at his vital systems to see if he was drunk. Instead I found a parasite lodged to his brain, feeding on it whilst feeding him ideas. I quickly knocked Coran out with a swift kick to the head, knocking the parasite out of his ear.

"I really hate bugs... Including ones that try to kill my friends," I muttered as I stabbed the parasite with it's own shadow. I deactivated the crane and Pidge untied Allura.

"Ok, quick question. Is that actually chocolate!?"

Pidge scanned it and then gave me a thumbs up. Oh I'm gonna get so many cavities. Pidge began loading it into containers and sent each to Hunk when she was done.

"Now we can have chocolate milkshakes!" She yelled. "Oh crap... I forgot... Keith! It's Hunk's birthday!!!!"

"Wait what!?"

"We need to do something special! Why don't we make cake and milkshakes out of all this chocolate?"

"I'll set up decorations in here... Maybe ones based off the Yellow Lion?"

We got to work, Pidge was almost a good a baker as Hunk so she made the cake and milkshakes while I set up a table and decorations in the training room. It only took us an hour to get it all ready, so Pidge kept the food refrigerated and went to get Hunk.

"Alright, Lance I need you and Allura to set some games together and Shiro, I need you to keep an eye out for Hunk. Tell us when he's coming," I explained. "Ok, go!"

They got all the stuff ready while I was fixing the lighting, changing it to a more yellow hue.

"He's coming!"

"Everyone hide!"

We all hid under the table until Hunk and Pidge walked in. We all shot up and yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUNK!"

Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter. But I wanted to make it special for Hunk, seeing as I missed his birthday. Happy birthday Yellow paladin, sorry it's late! Hope y'all enjoyed!

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