Pidge III

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I watched as Keith left the room in silence. I bit my lip and waited for the door to close, then slammed both of my fists on the table and started to run after him. Unfortunately, Coran and Allura stopped me by blocking the doorway.

"You aren't seriously thinking of going after him, are you? Wouldn't you rather learn about your heri-" Allura was cut off by my fist hitting her face. I decided to give the "gorgeous man" an early bed time by tasing him with my Bayard.

"Stay out of my way, unless you want to say goodnight!" I yelled. I opened the door and ran after Keith, who had most likely heard the commotion and stopped in the middle of the hall.

"Pidge? What did you just do?"

"I gave Coran and Allura a piece of my mind," I exclaimed.

"With a wave of your hand and a flick of my dick, the Altean's are down in a tick!" He said laughing. I couldn't help but join him, holding my hand to my mouth, and then hugged him with a smile.

"You want to go train for a bit?" I asked.

"Seriously? I thought you'd rather make up some programs or something."

"Not today, Emo. I want to spend the day with you. My command prompts and interplanetary signals can wait!"

"Did you just say interplan- woah!" I interrupted him by dragging him down the hallway and into the training room.

"Aaannd we're here!" I yelled. "Activate android warrior level one!"

"Activate Parkour arena!" Keith yelled.

When the droid appeared, the floor of the training area became an array of intricate city rooftops. The roof became a bright blue sky and there was a data mined skyscraper that was made to look like it was still in construction.

"When did this become an arena?"

"Seriously? Your the smartest one here and there are still parts of this castle you don't know about?"

"Did you forget that I'm stuck in my room looking for my brother and dad 24/7?" I yelled as I started to attack the droid. I made sure it was something I could fight on my own, so it only used lower class martial arts and a sword.

When I was done fighting the droid, I watched Keith run through the rooftops. His time with the Blade of Marmora really paid off, even though it was only a week. He flipped over obstacles, ran from one wall to another, and backflipped off a wall to another building.

Why is he so hot... Keith... Should I tell you how I feel? Nah... I should probably focus on finding Matt and Dad.

"Activate level two!" I wrapped my Bayard around the droids leg as it appeared and threw it into a wall. It was destroyed in a matter of seconds and I turned to see Keith staring at me.

"Nice one, but you should probably stop relying on your strength."

"What do you mean?"

"Do stuff like that and you'll wear yourself out," he started,"Instead, use your small size to your advantage. Your agility and wit give you more room to improve your fighting abilities."

He put his hand on my head and smiled at me. My face turned a light pink and I hugged his waist gently. I decided to mess with him a bit, so I stole his holo-phone and snapped a picture of the two of us with it.

"Aww, Pidgeon, we look adorable!" He giggled.

"D-don't call me Pidgeon!" The blush on my face was now a dark red, so I turned away from him. He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry... Pidgey," he whispered.

"Shut it... Litten..."

"I'm not that cute, but nice try."

"Do I have to zap you!?"

"Go ahead, I might like it."

"Your weird..." I said, pushing him off me. He laughed, then went to go practice his acrobatics again. I sighed and activated the next level, smiling at the thought of him and I together...

Finally getting this one out...

What'd you think? Cute? Dumb? Lemme know in the comments lol. Anyway, hope you are enjoying this story and the next few will be out soon!

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