Keith III

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When I came out of my room, Hunk was making breakfast and Lance was being, well, Lance.

"Hey, Keith!" Hunk smiled as he passed me a plate. "Thought I'd put together some breakfast."

"Thanks Hunk," I said as I sat next to Lance. One bite from this mornings breakfast, and I knew we found a new Hunk special. "Holy shit, Hunk! Soooo good!"

"Guess we got an approval from Mullet, Hunk!" Lance laughed.

"Hey, Keith! Language!" Shiro yelled as he walked in.

"Sure, Space Dad," I retorted.

"Isn't that what Pidge calls Shiro?" Hunk asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah, but after spending the night with her, it kinda stuck."

Lance spit out his drink and Hunk whipped his head around to look at me.

"The night!?" They screamed.

"Did I stutter?"

"Oh, that's right," Shiro spoke. "What was that nightmare about? The one you and Pidge told me about."

"Nightmare?" Hunk asked, worry in eyes.

"I had a nightmare last night and woke up Pidge in the process."

"Wait... Were you... In the same bed!?" Lance yelled.


"Seriously!?" Hunk looked at me like I was a madman. I told all three of them about the nightmare as I ate my breakfast. When I was done; Lance looked at the ground, Hunk was in shock, and Shiro looked worried.

"I... Held my Bayard... To your back... Allura insulted you... And worst of all... Pidge killed you?"

"Yeah... It was just a dream though Lance."

"What did you and Pidge do after you woke up?" Hunk asked.

"I ran some tests on our DNA big guy, to get Keith's mind off the dream," Pidge chimed in. She had walked in unbeknownst to us.

"Oh? What'd you find?" Shiro asked.

"Found out that Keith is exactly 50% Galra."

"And Pidge is-"

"Don't say it!"

"Hm? Why not?"

"Because I wanted to..."

"Say what?" Lance asked.

"Well... I found out that I am 20%... Altean..." Pidge answered.

Coran and Allura came barging in and both said, "what!?" While the other's jaws practically hit the floor. Pidge then walked up behind me, wrapped her arms around my neck, and her chin on my head.

"It's not a big deal..."

"Except it is a big deal, Pidge... Your one of the last Altean's alive..." I muttered.

"Lance, aim your Bayard at Keith's head," Allura spoke.

My eyes went wide, but I remained still. Lance wouldn't move and Pidge held onto me a little tighter.

"Lance? What're you waiting for? Do it!"

"I won't Allura."

"Then give me your Bayard and I'll do it myself! No Altean should touch Galra flesh!"

"That's enough!" Shiro yelled. "Yes, Keith is half Galra, but it's like Pidge said. It's not like he asked to be. Nor has he done anything to harm any of us. If that doesn't prove him a valid part of this team, princess, then tell me, what does!?"

"Shiro... It's fine..." I said, shrugging Pidge's arms off my shoulders. I stood up, pat Pidge on the head, and walked out.

Well... This could get interesting... Anyway, hope you enjoyed.

PS; next one will be up soon. :)

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