Pidge VII

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Gorgeous green paladin!? I'm so glad I socked that raisin when I had the chance. I hope Keith's ok though... Lotor said he was suicidal, but what does he know!


I turned to face the voice and unfortunately, it was Allura who knocked me out of my thinking.

"Can I help you, princess?" I deadpanned.

"I'd like to apologise... About what I said before... And to tell you..." She gulped and had a scared ass look on her face.

"I'm listening," I said, puzzled.

"I... I called Lotor to Moria..."

"You did what!?"

"I was jealous of what you have with Keith, and when I heard about their fight I contacted him... but I never thought he would say those things about Keith..." She confessed, grimly. "And I may also have... gained feelings for Lance..."

My eyes widened in both anger and shock. I couldn't believe that she'd go that far, but I also couldn't believe that she had feelings for Lance of all people. I wanted to smack her, but I also wanted to hook her up with the idiot.

"I want to punch you," her eyes widened as I spoke. "But after I do, I'll hook you up with Lance."

"Promise not to use your wind or lightning magic?" She whimpered. I punched her in the stomach and added both of my abilities to the punch, sending her flying and paralyzing her.

"You never said I couldn't use both," I snickered. I picked her up with a small whirlwind and led her back to the castle, and guess who was guarding the front gate.

"Oh, hey Lance, sup Hunk! You guys on guard duty?" I asked.

"Um... Pidge? Why is Allura unconscious?" Lance glared at me as he asked this.

"Because she sold out our location to Lotor. So I knocked her out," I exclaimed, bluntly. Hunk looked like he was stabbed in heart and Lance glared at me.

"There's no way she'd do that! She despises the Galra!"

"Lance, believe what you want, but I'm telling the truth!"

"And why would she do it!? Did she even give you a reason, huh!?"

"It was because I was jealous of Keith and Pidge..." Allura's voice surprised us. I was still a bit angry, so I dropped the whirlwind and she fell on her ass. Hunk tried not to laugh, Lance helped her up and glared at me, and she couldn't stop looking down at the floor.

I guided her inside and explained the situation to Coran, Shiro, and Keith.

"You did what!?" Shiro and Keith yelled.

"Princess... Tell me she's lying... Please!?" Coran pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Coran... But it's true..." She said, softly. Keith's anger took over and his body became engulfed in flames.


"Keith! Calm down!" Shiro ordered. He almost threw it until I wrapped my arms around him. His flames weren't even hot, more like a gentle warmth.

"Kill her and I won't be able to hook her up with the cargo pilot," I giggled in his ear. "You don't want to ruin that fun do you?"

His fire diminished immediately after I stopped talking. He gave me his "can I help" smile and I nodded.

"What the!? Pidge what did you do!?" Shiro asked.

"Nothin," I said, innocently. I grabbed Keith and ran to his room to devise a way to get them together.

Surprised? I hope so! Now, can Allura redeem herself? Will Keith and Pidge get her with Lance? We'll see in later chapters.... Hope you enjoyed...

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