Keith VII

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Huh... This actually isn't too bad, I thought as I floated on my back in the water.

"Keith!?" I heard Pidge yell.


"I'm sorry!"

"Don't be! It's kinda relaxing!"

She said something I couldn't hear, then used her wind magic to propel her into the highest cannon ball I've ever seen. She splashed down on top of me! We sank under and I snuck in an underwater kiss, something I've wanted to try since Shiro made me read the Twilight series back home. When we resurfaced, Shiro and Coran had joined.

"Coran? How about a magic duel in the water?"

"Great thinking Shiro! Us against the love birds? Am I using that term correctly?"

"Yes, for both of those questions. Though, be warned, these two aren't just some doves who'll go down easy. Their hawks that won't give up on their prey until there defeated."

"I'm a raven, Shiro...." I glared at him.

"Nope, your a Litten," Pidge said.

"But I'm in water..."

"Doesn't matter."

Shiro made a trident of light and threw it towards me, which I deflected with a spike made of shadows. How I can even make it in water, I don't know nor do I care. Pidge blasted the both of them with a tidal wave.

"How'd you do that?"

"Vibrations from air molecules can create waves. Same thing with gravitational pull and seismic activity."

"Heh, I actually understood that," I snickered.

Coran's magic wasn't just manipulating time, he was also telekinetic and threw a tree at Pidge while we were talking.

"Pidge dive!" She turned around and did as I asked. I threw a fireball the size of Earth's Moon at the tree, eviscerating it. I dove under to find Pidge fight Shiro and Coran alone.

He really loves Aquaman, huh? I thought as Shiro swung his trident. Pidge's body suddenly sparked like an electric eel, just cuter and less terrifying. Coran swam back, not wanting to deal with that, and I punched him back to the surface with a giant fist made of shadows. Shiro was moving at the speed of light and knocked Pidge out of the water, but still got a bit shocked.

He did not just hurt the Pidgeon.

I moved through the shadows, matching my false brother's speed, and made a scythe. Our weapons collided and sparked under the cool liquid, until he sped up to the surface. I followed him and we flew out of the water.

"Nice wings Keith. Guess you really are a raven," Shiro snickered. I didn't even realize I had two purple and black wings, like seriously, how dumb can a guy be? I swung my scythe at him without a word and he fell to the ground faster than a meteor.

"No one hurts my Pidgeon," I said as I landed.

"Keith, calm do-," she stopped and whispered, "love the wings, Litten."

I blushed as she played with a few of the feathers and I sent the scythe away.

"Hey guys!" I heard Lance's voice from the distance and sat down.

"So what magic does the almighty Mullet ha-," his jaw dropped to the floor when he saw my wings.

"Ok, first thing. Why do you have wings?"

"My magic is fire and darkness."

"And naturally he can make anything he wants out of shadows. His feathers are incredibly soft too!" Pidge chimed in.

"Which brings me to my next question, are you two a thing!?"

I blushed and said, "Depends, Pidge?"

"Yes Keef?"

"Will you go out with me?" I smirked.

"Nope." She retorted.


"Just kidding, I'd love to go out with you!" She snickered. I glared at her playfully and kissed her on the cheek.

Hunk displayed his powers by throwing a boulder at me, which I caught in my clawed hand and crushed it like a soda can. Lance threw icicles, which Pidge thought was adorable, especially after compressing them into snow by increasing air pressure around them. She then sent a bolt of lightning at Lance and I threw a fireball at Hunk.

"Alright you guys, time to go."

"Aww, Pidge the wreath you made Keith is destroyed," Lance snickered.

"Same with the one you made her, Keith," Hunk said, apologetically.

"It's ok, we've got a war to fight. Once it's over, and I've found my family, we'll come back here and make some more," she said sternly. We made our way to the castle, which was quite far.

"Hello, my gorgeous green paladin," a voice said. Sure enough, it was Lotor. How he found us on Moria, I don't know nor do I care. I moved faster than he could follow, my Marmoran Blade at his throat.

"Look at, touch, or speak to her and I won't hesitate to kill you!" I spat. He tried to punch me, but his fist phased right through my torso. "The look on your face is priceless, Lotor. How can you touch a shadow, princeling?"

"So, you have darkness as your magic. I should've known, after all you are the suicidal one in the group."

I gritted my teeth at those words and dug my blade into his neck, slightly breaking skin.

"Struck a nerve didn't I? Why don't you take that blade to your neck, after all she'll never tru-"

He was silenced by a punch in the face from Pidge. By silenced, I mean thrown into a tree, which fell on him. I thanked her with a kiss on the cheek, then ran to the castle.

"Allura, get us out of here!" Shiro and Hunk yelled. We wormhole jumped to the nearest ally outpost, Olkarion. Pidge went to go hang with the Olkari, so I decided to go get some rest. Unfortunately, I couldn't stop thinking about whether or not Lotor would show up....

Oh look. Another chapter! Seriously, I'm having such a good time with this story and I really hope you guys like it. If this chapter was lame, lemme know and I'll try to fix it to the best of my ability.

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