It was a night that changed two families lives, the same night, two different towns. Was it fate or just a coincidence? But when the families get split up and the youngest from both families ended up in LA together and best friends not knowing what...
I held the wolf plush close to me and stared out the window blankly, I wasn't focusing on what was going on around me until a car door opened, I jumped and looked away from the window to see that everyone's getting out of the car now except Shae and I, she must've been in the same daze I was in, not focusing on anything around us.
I got out of the car and stood next to Devyn, I looked at the house in awe. I had seen the house in many videos but those are nothing compared to seeing it with my own eyes. "We're here." Devyn said happily, I smiled and went to go get my stuff from the trunk of the car to find that Corey, Colby and Sam standing there holding mime and Shae's things.
I frown, "You don't have to carry our stuff." I protested, Shae quickly agreeing, we've always been independent for obvious reasons. "It's fine, you two barely have any stuff, it's easy to carry." Sam reassured us, I shook my head but knew they wouldn't just give me my stuff to carry so I gave up and walked inside with Devyn, Kat and Shae with the boys behind us.
When we walked in there's chatter from the living room, must be the roommates, Aaron and Elton. Three dogs come running out to us and I let out a squeal, they're so cute!! I wall up to them and sit down, just letting them lick me while I pet them all.
While I'm petting them, Aaron and Elton came out so Buddy and Circa ran up to them leaving me with Navi who's, very excited to be getting spoiled with attention.
"Hey, who are these two?" Aaron asks, looking curiously at Shae and I. "This is Megan." Corey said pointing at me, I smile shyly and wave at them. "And this is Shae." Kat said pointing to Shae waved at them before talking with Colby, they seem to be close already.... oh well, I though shrugging it off as I continued to pet Navi.
I stood up a couple minutes later and stood close to Devyn and Corey, leaning against the hallway wall. "Megan this is Elton and Aaron, Elton, Aaron this is Megan, our daughter." Devyn said happily. "Hi." I said shyly, I'm pretty sure if I was younger they would be letting out an 'aw', people used to do that to me when I was younger.
"How old are you?" Aaron asks curiously. "I'm 15." I told them, they seemed a bit surprised. "If you don't mind me asking when did you go to the orphanage?" Elton asked. "When I was 5 or 6." I answered, they seemed shocked and possibly even more curious than before.
After that it got quiet and awkward until Devyn asked, "Well do you want to see your room?" I nodded, happy for an excuse to get away from this awkward situation. "Yes please." I replied, she nodded and started walking upstairs, I quickly followed.
Devyn opened a door and we walked in, the room has dark gray walls, a mattress on the floor with a comforter and lots of pillows, a soft, fluffy rug in front of the bed, a white little canopy on the walls surrounding the bed with fairy lights on them, and it also has some pictures on the wall.
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