It was a night that changed two families lives, the same night, two different towns. Was it fate or just a coincidence? But when the families get split up and the youngest from both families ended up in LA together and best friends not knowing what...
The girls were getting ready to go to bed when Shae got a twitter notification.
It was a private message from Jonah • WHY DON'T WE
Jonah: Hey congrats you two on winning you are really good singers. The meet and greet will be tomorrow before the concert at the venue be there 2 hours early.
Shae: Okay thank you we will be there can't wait to meet you.
Jonah: Okay see you then.Can't wait to meet you too.
Megan and Shae let out squeals of excitement as they read the messages, when the finally calmed down they decided to have a sleepover in Shae's Room because they have to be up early to go on the shopping trip with Devyn and Kat cause if they didn't Megan would probably sleep past her alarm.
"You're sleeping on the couch." Shae said and added, "Cause if we shared the bed I would end up on the floor by the morning."
"I'm not gonna agree or disagree with that..." Megan said with a chuckle after that the girls went to bed.
|• Time Skip To The Morning •|
Megan woke up to Shae shaking her like crazy to wake her up, "I'm up, I'm up." Megan said sleepily.
"Good cause I was about to pour water on your head," Shae told her, Megan rolled her eyes but knew she was telling the truth so she got up.
"Why are we awake at this hour?" Megan asked annoyed before she brightened up and suggested, "We should wake up Colby with a bucket of water!" Last night they had watched the prank wars and they may have come up with a few prank ideas...
"Yeah let's go!" Shae said now excited.
So the girls went into Colby's room with a bucket of water and poured onto Colby, he woke up and started glaring at them, he then got out of his bed and started chasing them as they laughed, Shae and Megan ran into Shae's room and closed the door before locking it, they looked at each other before bursting out in a fit of laughter.
"Girls let's go down," Devyn called from downstairs
"Okay, we'll be there in a minute!" Megan called back and the girls quickly changed before opening the door to find Colby waiting there, still drenched in water and clearly annoyed, they giggle and run down the stairs to meet Devyn and Kat and avoid Colby.
"Why are you running?" Devyn asked confused as the girls came running down the stairs.
"Go! Go! Go!" Megan yelled hopping into the car and locking the car doors leaving an annoyed Colby and the two very confused Kat and Devyn.
"Okay, I guess we are leaving then,"Kat said looking over at Devyn and walking to the car
When they got to the mall both girls ran to Macy's and got some black ripped jeans and then went to the Vans store and got Shae some black checkered vans and finally they went to the Converse store and got Megan some new plain black converse since she only has high top converse, after that they realized that they had spent a while searching for the right stores so they decided to go back home. They went into the parking lot and searched for Corey's car and once they found it they put all of their bags into the trunk of the car before hopping in and driving off.
|• Skip Car ride •|
The girls all walk into find two very angry guys standing there with there arms crossed.
Shae and Megan didn't even have time to put their bags down before they were pushed back out the door and into Sam's car.
"What's going on?" Megan asked them her annoyance evident on her face.
"You had time with Kat and Devyn but not us so now we're gonna spend time with you two," Sam said.
"We have to get ready we have to go to the meet and greet in like 2 hours,"Shae said very clearly annoyed
"You will be back with plenty of time to get ready,"Sam said trying to calm them both down
When the got to the pier they were walking around playing games Sam won Shae a pickle that had glasses and a mustache and a huge rainbow lama And Corey won Megan a huge panda stuffed animal, the girls smiled happily as Sam and Corey handed them the stuffed animals. They started to walk around a bit more and the girls were trying to break in their new shoes so their feet were starting to hurt they were complaining behind Sam and Corey's back so they didn't ruin the night. But what they didn't know was Sam could still hear them and he whispered something to Corey the stopped turned around and told the girls to jump on their backs. Which they did and went back to the car.
When they got back to the car sam and Corey turned around put the girls down and told them they have one last thing they said pulling out 2 boxes from the car and handing them to the girls. They opened them to find 2 matching Why Don't We hoodies
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they looked at each then ran and gave Sam and Corey a big hug.
"Thank you dad!" Megan and Shae said in unison which made Sam and Corey freeze and stare at them in shock before big smiles appeared on their faces.
"We better get going if you want to get ready. Sam said trying not to cry and Corey nodded agreeing with him while also fighting back his own tears.
They got in the car and while Sam drives with Shae in the passenger seat and Megan and Corey next to Megan looking at his phone, while the girls were looking out the window thinking about their day so far, this may be the best day ever the girls both thought as they held their stuff animals.
"Hey, you guys still have an hour do you want to stop and get something to eat?"Sam asked
"Yeah, you guys can pick,"Corey said reassuring them
"Sure but can we pick somewhere that we can eat in the care since we still have to do our hair when we get home?"Shae asked
"Yeah what about Jack in the box?"Megan asked
As there just happened to be one right across the road they pulled in and got their food.