It was a night that changed two families lives, the same night, two different towns. Was it fate or just a coincidence? But when the families get split up and the youngest from both families ended up in LA together and best friends not knowing what...
I look at my best friend, both of our eyes bloodshot and our faces have dried tears on them. I hear the caretaker, Linda, call for us again. "We should probably get dressed huh?" I said looking at our pajamas. "Yeah. But be quick, I'll meet you by the stairs." Shae replied, I nodded and she walked to her room. Since we're the oldest orphans we got our own rooms.
I closed my door and changed into one of my better outfits which is a black tank top, black and red flannel that I left unbuttoned, and a long, thin black jacket, some black jeans
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And black heeled boots, I put on barely any makeup and looked around my room to make sure it was clean and my eyes landed on the wolf stuffed animal,
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the only thing I have from my brother... I can't believe I don't even remember his name... I took my eyes away from the wolf and rushed to the stairs to meet Shae who's already there, waiting for me.
"You ready?" Shae asked me, I nod. "Yeah, let's go." I replied, we walked downstairs to see five people, all of the other kids were lined up from youngest to oldest against a plain white wall while Linda talks to the people.
Shae and I stand by the stairs awkwardly until Linda notices us and walks closer to us. "Oh good you girls are down here, go get in line while I talk to them." Linda told us, nodding over at the two couples and the guy, Shae nods and I stare at the couples and the guy nervously, Shae nudges me and we hurry into the line.
I looked closer at the couples and they seemed familiar but I couldn't remember where I've seen them, wait... are they.. I take another look at them that confirmed my theory, they are Sam and Colby, who are some my favorite youtubers and Kat, Corey, who is my favorite youtuber, and Devyn.
I fangirl on the inside and look to Shae to see if she recognized them and realized she still has dried tears on her face, you couldn't see them that much but they were there and I knew I must have dried tears on my face too...
I looked away from Shae and realize that the group of 5 are now talking to a 14 year old, right next to me!! They're right next to me!! Stay calm Megan, stay calm.
"Hey I'm Sam and this is Kat, Devyn, Corey and Colby. What's your name?" Sam said kindly. I smiled shyly at them, "It's M-megan." I told them, resisting the urge to run to my room in embarrassment. "What a beautiful name." Devyn compliments, I smile shyly. "So Megan, do you like dogs?" Corey asks curiously. "I love dogs, actually I love all animals well besides snakes and spiders cause they are evil and gross." I rambled, surprising even myself usually I'm more shy when I first meet people.
"Well, we'll leave you two alone with Megan here we'll go talk to her friend." Kat said, pulling Colby and Sam over to Shae leaving me alone with Corey and Devyn. "Well do you wanna go talk somewhere else?" Corey asked, looking around the lobby type area for a place to sit and talk. I nodded and spoke up, "Yeah there's a quiet place we can talk." They smiled at me. "Great, lead the way." Devyn replied, I nod and started walking over to a little corner far away from the others but still somewhat close, it has a window seat with bookcases next to it.
"We can talk here." I told them, sitting down on the window seat, they sat down next to me. "Do you two have a dog?" I blurted out curiously. "Yeah we do, her names Navi." Devyn answered smiling at the mention of their dog. "How did you guess that?" Corey asked curiously, I shrugged. "You asked if I liked dogs, so either you didn't know what to say or you have a dog yourself." I answered.
We were talking for a little bit and I had became to open up to them quicker than I usually would which is very strange. "Did you know us before today?" Corey asks curiously. "What he means is do you watch his youtube channel." Devyn told me. "I do, I watch yours, Sam and Colby, Kat's and Elton and Aaron." I told them nervously, tensing and looking down at my boots. "That's awesome!" Corey said, making me relax and let out a chuckle. "I know this isn't a fun question but... why are you here?" Devyn asks me.
"There was a house fire when I was 3, I don't know if my family survived everyone tells me they probably didn't survive the fire. I was taken in by my grandparents but they died when I was 5 or 6, after that I was brought here." I explained looking down at my shoes again, I'm used to the question but I'll never get over what happened that day.
They looked to each other and then back at me, "I think we've made a decision." Devyn said and they stood up. I knew it, they don't want to adopt me no one does...
Linda called all the kids over to get back into the line and wait for the answers from the group, so I stood up and got in line, Shae following soon after and we waited patiently for them to tell us who they're adopting.
Devyn and Corey stand walk forward first, holding papers in their hands as they looked at all the kids. "We are adopting..." Corey started, pointing to Devyn for her to continue which she did, "Megan!" My jaw dropped, I stayed there frozen in place for a moment before running into their arms. "Thank you." I said quietly, I stepped away from the hug and looked to Kat and Sam who are now being hugged by Shae. We're both getting adopted! I smile and when our eyes lock she steps away from her hug and runs up to me, hugging me instead while we both squealed, "We're getting adopted!" But there was a part of me that whisper but how long will it last?
After that we went upstairs and packed our stuff while they signed the necessary paperwork before getting into the car with Sam, Kat, Devyn, Corey and Colby. I stared out the window still in shock and awe. I can't believe I just got adopted by my favorite youtuber! I held my wolf stuffed animal close to my chest, I didn't want to stuff it in a bag so I decided to carry it, I wasn't gonna risk losing the last piece of my brother.