|• Oreos together •|

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|• Chapter 27, 3rd Person POV •|

Both groups got into the car and started driving to the unknown destination. Both girls looked around and recognized the area and as they got closer both had a dawning feeling of sadness and familiarity of the situation and they both found themselves blaming themselves as their breaths quickened a million thought running through their mind but one stuck out 'They're taking me back, why are they taking me back? What did I do wrong this time?'

Megan realizes how close she is to Devyn and Corey who's sitting next to her and suddenly feeling betrayal and sadness she moves away from them making Devyn notice how Megan is acting. Instantly Devyn started to worry about her daughter and nudges Corey to get his attention and lightly motions to Megan before turning to her as much as she can and asks her, "Are you okay? What's wrong?" Megan screams her answer in her head 'WHAT'S WRONG IS I'M BEING ABANDONED AGAIN AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY! AND EVEN WORSE I DONT HAVE SHAE BESIDE ME THIS TIME TELLING ME IT WILL BE OKAY BECAUSE WE STILL HAVE EACH OTHER SHE WAS THE FOREVER TO MY ALWAYS I thought I finally had a family...' but instead she responds with a blank, emotionless three words that sound almost rehearsed like she had said them many times before, "Nothing, I'm fine." the words made everyone who heard them frown because they all knew she was lying when she said them.

Ignoring the words only because of her worry Devyn continued to try to comfort her daughter, "Megan you have to breath okay? Breath with me." Devyn started taking deep breaths in hopes that her daughter would copy her but it was as if the words spoken went unheard to Megan's ears as Megan's eyes stayed stuck on the window, her breath quick as her mind raced.

"What's going on? Is she okay?" Corey asked not knowing what to do or say as he stared at his daughter.

"I-i don't know Corey, I don't know what to do." Devyn said starting to panic.

"What's she staring a- oh..." Colby said his eyes looking out the window as he realized that this path must be very familiar to Megan as he remembers how Shae had confided in him about how she was afraid that Sam and Kat would take her back like many others before, and how Shae had told him that he always had to comfort Megan and herself by telling her everything would be okay because they had each other. Tears spring to his eyes as he remembered her face as she told him her fears, how she cried in his arms.

"Colby if you know what's wrong with our daughter you better tell us. Now." Corey said.

"She's afraid you're taking her back to the orphanage, that she's being abandoned again. But this time is worse because Shae isn't by her side." Colby explained to them.

"How do you know that Colby?" Sam asked afraid of the answer.

"Shae told me about it when she-" Colby went silent, cutting himself off not wanting to hurt Sam or Kat with his words.

"When she what Colby?" Sam asked holding Kats hand tightly as he awaited the answer.

"when she was afraid you would take her back..." Colby said quietly though both of them heard and Colby knew it when he heard Kat's sob and Sam's cries.

Where as shae did the same thing but sitting beside Zach but she had her head on Zach's shoulder she he noticed when she moved away and brought her knees to her chest and started shaking."Shae are you okay? just breath"Zach said/asked trying to pull her closer all shae could think of was how she was being sent back again and she thought for once that it was different but it was different this time she didn't have Megan she was the ALWAYS TO MY FOREVER.

"Zach just leave me alone I'm fine"Shae yelled not even caring what they would think

"Shae please just talk to us let us know what's wrong."Jonah said getting really worried

"Jonah if i wont talk to my own blood why would i talk to you i thought i could trust you guys, boy was I wrong."Shae yelled at Jonah not caring if this was the last time she would see them she was mad and broken she doesn't have Megan or Jonah or her own brother.

"Guys what's wrong?"Corbyn asked turning around

"We don't know"Jonah answered him with a sigh

"Guys you need to tell her she knows where we are going she thinks you guys are going to leave her just like the others and this time she doesn't have Megan so its even worse on her."Christen said looking at the boys well Jonah and Zach now had tears going down their cheeks.

Both cars slow to a stop and before anyone could say a word both girls were out of the car and running to the oh so familiar place in that orphanage, the girls collided with each other but didn't even care and instead fell into each other's arms crying as they held each other close.

"What did I do wrong Shae?" Megan asked Shae.

"You didn't do anything wrong Megan, everything will be okay. We have each other forever"Shae paused to let Megan finish

"And Always"Megan said as an automatic response, letting out a loud sob as both families ran to the back to see they didn't have to do anything to get the girls back together and and the same time both groups realized something, no matter what happened between the two they would always be there for each other and would always end up by each other's side again. Forever and always.

The girls broke apart and realized that they were never bringing them back but just trying to get them back together.

"Who planned this and how did you know."Shae and megan asked in unison

"Me and colby and you know we do listen to you guys sometimes."Jack said as the both step forward and for the first time in a week Shae and Megan ran to hug Jack and Colby but it was Shae hugging Colby and Megan hugging Jack and both had smiles on their faces for the first time in... too long.

"You actually listened in the bathroom that night."Shae whispered in Jack's ear as she gave him a hug as megan hugged colby, they switched so they could both say thanks to both of them.

|• Flashback •|

It was megan first day and it was Shae's first time being sent back to the orphanage Shae had gone to the back of the building to a big oak tree just to get away from everyone and everything its not like anyone cared anyway or so Shae thought but what she didnt know was inside there was a little girl not even a year younger than shae that was getting wired because it was getting dark and cold outside so she ran upstairs and grabbed a blanket and a flashlight and went to the kitchen before going outside and grabbed two water bottles and oreos and ran outside to find shae just sitting there with tear stained cheeks shaking because she was cold.

"Hey do you want some company?"Megan asked shyly

"No thank you i want to be alone."Shae replied holding back her tears

"Are you sure i have oreos?"Megan asked again with a smirk because she knows nobody can resist oreos. Nobody.

"I mean if you really want to I wouldn't say no again."Shae replied with her first real smile all day

And there they sat all night just talking and getting to know each other and there they would sit when one of them was sad or when they were brought back with two water bottles one blanket one flashlight and most importantly one box of oreos.

|•End of Flashback •|

|• 3rd Person POV •|

"Oreos?" Megan asked when the two seperate from the hugs.

"oreos." Shae replied with a laugh and they headed to get a box of oreos.

"Already ahead of you." Jack replied pulling out a box of oreos and handing them to Shae.

|• 1,399 Words •|

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