|♡ Megan's POV ♡|
I put down my ukulele and go over to where my wolf plush is sitting and pick it up, holding it tight. I miss my brother, I can't believe I don't even remember his name or even what he looks like! I remember all types of little things about him like his curly hair, favorite color, his favorite food, how we used to watch movies every weekend together but I can't remember his name or even my last name....
I start to think about that day, how the smoke felt in my lungs, how I could barely see a thing and how even at such a young age I knew I couldn't leave my brother there but I had to. Sometimes I wish I had looked back that way I would know if he's alive or if he really is gone but if he is alive than I would spend all my time looking for him and I wouldn't have met Shae or get adopted by Corey and Devyn.
I blinked away the tears that were about to pour out my eyes and set the plush back down carefully before standing up again and going over to my window, I opened the window and breathed in the fresh air. Ever since that day I'm nervous when there isn't a window open, which basically means in the winter I was either very cold or very nervous.
Just as I turned around to go sit down at my desk my door opened and before I knew what was going on somebody was in my arms, hugging me tight. I looked closer at the person and realized that it's Shae so I returned the hug before stepping back, that's when I realize that she's crying.
I frown, "Shae what's wrong?" I asked.
She shook her head before replying, "Nothing I just wanted to say thank you." Now I'm very confused.
"What? Thank you? But for what?" I asked confused.
"For helping Colby with my gift. I have a feeling you had more to do with it than just the shirt." She told me, I smiled at her.
"Well than your welcome." I replied."So... you and Colby are pretty close, what's that about?" I asked teasingly although I was curios, she opened up to him pretty fast. Shae blushed.
"N-nothing! We're just friends, honest!" Shae replied defensively, I laughed.
"It's alright I was just joking. But I am curios, how are you so close to him already?" I asked her.
"We just... connected I guess. You seem to be opening up to Corey and Devyn." Shae replied.
"Yeah I am opening to them, they're really nice." I told her truthfully.Ever since they adopted me they've really nice and I definitely don't deserve to be adopted by them but... I can't help but be happy that I got so lucky as to be adopted by them. I still can't believe it.
"Well I would love to talk more but I have to get ready for the concert, thank you again Megan. I'm happy for you." Shae said giving me another hug and smile before leaving the room.
I must've got lost in my thoughts after that because next thing I know it's almost an hour later and there's somebody knocking at my door, I clear my throat and wipe away the tears before calling out, "Who is it?"
"It's me and Corey." I heard Devyn's voice reply, I walk over to the door and open it before walking back to my bed, letting them walk into the room."So did you two need something?" I asked confused and also curious.
"We just wanted to get to know you more." Devyn replied with a kind smile on her face.
"Yeah tell us more about you!" Corey said excitedly, I jumped when I heard his loud voice.
"L-like what?" I ask nervously, I noticed that Devyn stepped on Corey's foot when they noticed that I was scared.
"Just about you. You don't have to tell us anything you're not comfortable about." Devyn answered, I nodded and began telling them small stuff like my favorite color, food, book, ect.After awhile of telling them all the boring stuff I decided to tell them more about my past, "My brother saved me from the house fire." I blurted out after a moment of stumbling over the right words.
"Oh what was he like?" Devyn asked, after a minute of some awkward silence.
"He had curly hair but it's probably straight by now, that's how my dad's hair was curly at a young age and it got straighter as he got older. His favorite color was blue and I remember that he played the piano." I babbled, a big smile on my face."What was his name?" Corey asked, I frowned at the question.
"I-i can't remember it... I can't even remember my own last name!" I answered, tears coming to my eyes.
"Hey it's alright, you were so young I don't even know how you're able to remember as much as you do." Devyn tried comforting me and it worked a bit but I was still sad at the reminder that I can't remember my brothers name.
"How about we talk about something else?" Corey suggested, Devyn and I agreed so we started talking about them instead."Are you two hungry?" Corey asked.
"Yeah." Devyn answered.
"A little bit." I replied quietly.
"Well since I'm sure the rest of the roommates are hungry too, I'll go get some pizza for everyone. What type of pizza do you want Megan?" Corey said, looking at me with a smile.
"Just cheese is fine." I answered quietly while tugging on my jacket sleeve.
"Okay, do you two want to come with me to get the pizza?" Corey asks.
"No I'll stay here." I replied instantly, they both frowned a bit.
"Yeah sure, I'll go with you Corey." Devyn said putting a smile on her face.After that they left to get pizza and I went downstairs and sat down on the couch, the only person in the living room besides me is Elton who's on the computer, probably editing videos. I grabbed a blanket and curled up with that since I get cold very easily.
I thought it was gonna be complete silence until Corey and Devyn got back but then Elton put down his computer and looked at me.
"So... we didn't really get to talk earlier since Devyn dragged you off." Elton said, I nodded hesitantly.
"Yeah..." I said shyly, tugging at my jacket sleeves once again.
"How do you like it here so far?" Elton asked curiously.
"It's good, Corey and Devyn are really nice. Everyone is." I replied quietly.We talked for a while until I trusted him and started remembering more of what he does in his videos and than I got an idea.
"Can you maybe help me try communicating with my brother on a ouija board? I don't know if he's alive or not and..." I trailed off, not knowing what else to say.
"If you don't mind me asking what happened in the house fire?" Elton asked hesitantly.
"My brother saved me from the fire, he carried me out of the house and told me to run to the fireman and... I listened when I looked back he wasn't there anymore...." I told him sadly, he earned my trust enough for me to tell him about that night although I'll probably never talk about it with them as much as I do with Shae."We can try, but I'm pretty busy for the next week or so otherwise I'd say we can do it tomorrow." Elton answered my previous question, I nodded and thanked him and that's when Corey and Devyn come in with the pizzas, so I got up to help them and also get something to eat.
While I was getting my plate, Aaron came out from his bedroom to eat and we all decided to have a movie night so I settled down on the couch next to Aaron and we chatted while the rest of them decided on what movies to watch, we were just talking about music, I told him how I played the guitar and ukulele and he told me about his music.
By the end of the first movie Aaron and I had gotten a lot closer than before since we were talking for most of the movie.
I was getting tired but tried to ignore the way my eyelids were getting heavier by the second until I could no longer ignore it and I closed my eyes, falling asleep quickly on Aaron's shoulder.
|☆ 1,446 Words ☆|

The Unforgotten
FanficIt was a night that changed two families lives, the same night, two different towns. Was it fate or just a coincidence? But when the families get split up and the youngest from both families ended up in LA together and best friends not knowing what...