|• In Too Deep •|

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|• Chapter 17, 3rd Person POV •|

I went inside and grabbed a water bottle and went to run upstairs but was stopped again by Colby grabbing my arm.

"Hey can we.....Wait have you been crying?"Colby asked concerned

"Oh what now you care." I snapped back pulling my arm back and going upstairs before he could see that I was crying again only to be stopped once again this time by Sam and he picked me up and put me over his shoulder.

"Sam put me down." I said as I started to wiggle out of his grip but that didnt work his grip just got tighter.

"No you have to talk to him."Sam replied

"Sam I don't want to I just want to be alone."I told him getting really annoyed

"You can be alone....with Colby."Sam said but when he paused he could feel me relax then tense up again when he continued.

"Sam please stop put me down." I pleaded

"Okay."Sam said as he put me down and pushed me into Colby's room and closed the door.

"Sam he's not even up here." I said banging on the door

Just then the door opened to Sam pushing colby into the room and I tried to get by and was successful well until Elton stopped me and pushed me back into the room straight into Colby's arms, I quickly pushed him away and sent a glare at the door where Sam and Elton were probably still standing.

"Shae..." Colby said tempted to reach his hand out just to see if I would take his hand.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"I just want to talk to you..." Colby said sounding hurt, he knew he had messed up big time but...

"No okay you don't get to do that." I snapped again, I turning to face him only to glare at him.

"What?" Colby asked genuinely confused.

"You don't get to act like you're hurt when I'm the one who got my heart broken, I'm the one who you clearly don't care about. Admit it I'm just some pity case to you." I said tears falling down my face no matter how much I tried to hold them back.

"You're not..." Colby said quietly trying to think of the right words but he couldn't so he just spoke with his heart, "You're not a pity case Shae, I care about you and I am hurt because you're hurting and I hate knowing that I'm the one who hurt you. I like you Shae, a lot and I don't want to ruin our friendship. I'm not sure how I can ever make it up to you but I'm gonna try every single day to make it up to you but for right now..." Colby trailed off, he had finally thought of a way to make it up to her.

"Shae will you please hang out with me all day tomorrow? We can be like how we were before everything happened." Colby suggested hope in his eyes but he was also preparing himself for if she said no.

"Okay, but don't do anything like this again or..." I trailed off not knowing what else to say or really how to say it but Colby got the message, if he did this again I wouldn't be as forgiving if she truly forgave him at all.

"Can I leave now?" I asked standing up.

"No."Elton said from outside the door.

"What why not Sam said I had to talk to him and I did i even agreed to hangout with him tomorrow."I sassed him

"I will warn you right now do not sass your uncle."Elton sassed back

"Whatever Sam can I leave now please?" I asked again.

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