|• The Day That Changed Everything •|

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|♡ 3rd Person POV at the Traphouse ♡|

"How was your night?" Shae and Megan asked at the same time, we burst out laughing.

"Okay, let's try that again." Shae said, still laughing a bit and once again they tried to ask the question and did the same thing.

"Okay so you go first." Shae explained

"No you go first." Megan replied.

"No you first i insist." Shae replied

"Okay you go first." Shae and Megan said at the same time.

"Megan you go first." Shae fought back

"Okay fine!" Megan said, "I bonded with the rest of the roommates and told Elton my story and asked him to help me reconnect with my brother via the ouija board, and we had a movie night and I fell asleep on Aaron's shoulder." Megan explained and then asked, "What about you?"

"Well first we want Chick-filla for lunch then we started driving again but Colby didn't even know any songs so we blasted WDW the whole way from LA to San Diego.we got there early so we waited in line. When we finally got in the started with 8 letters then a few other but when it came to Trust Fund Baby Corbyn started all of the girls jumping and dancing I was jumping so hard my dog tag where going all over the place. Then they sang In Too Deep and I could feel eyes on me but from where I didnt know ,but when i looked up I see Zach was looking at me dead on i, look down and see that my tags where out I tucked them into my shirt and he looked up and made eye contact." Shae rambled on

"Is that all?" Megan asked with a sassy hair flip.

"Do you know something i don't?" Shae asked confused

"Are you sure nothing happened between you and Colby?" Megan asked, raising her eyebrows.

"You mean when i fell asleep in the car and he carried me to bed?" Shae asked with a judgmental look on her face

"Maybe..." Megan said.

"That's all it was i just fell asleep i was jumping to hard and got tired."Shae replied her judgement growing even more.

"Okay, sure." Megan replied sarcastically,

"RUDE!" Shae yelled cupping her hands around mouth.

"Why do you think..." Megan started to ask

At that moment they got a notification from the official Why Don't We account.

The girls both squealed at what the saw......

Limelights, we're hosting a concert to win 2 VIP tickets and transportation to a concert near you! The instructions are as followed: Make a cover of one of our songs and post it on youtube using #limelightconcert More instructions in the link

can't wait to see your videos!

|♡ 3rd Person POV on the Tour bus ♡|

"Man I don't know she had dog tags on I haven't seen a girl with dog tags on at any of our concerts before at least not ones like those." Zach complanied

"What do you mean?" Jonah asks.

"They looked almost burnt or at least chared."Zach replied almost like he didn't believe it himself.

"Do you think it could be... No, no way." Jack said, almost as if he was telling himself the last part.

"Do you know her name? Or what she looked like?" Corbyn asked Zach.

"I don't know her name but she had Brown hair with red and gold highlights green and brown eyes but when she turned around to talk to the guy she was with she was wearing my ⅕ shirt."Zach replied

"We could do a contest, maybe she'll sign up and we can find her." Jonah suggested.

He got replies like "yeah great idea" and "yeah that might work" and one "Hey guys what's going on?"from a very sleep confused Daniel.

The rest of the boys decided to ignore Daniel and continues their conversation.

"Do you really think that will work?"Zack asked losing hope

"It might or it might not work but there's still a chance." Corbyn told Zach.

"Maybe we can even find my sister in the process."Jack replied full of hope

"I don't know how will we even know if its them."Zach asked losing even more hope

"We'll know." Jack answered while Corbyn also answered with, "Look for the dog tags and the wolf, you said you got matching ones right?"

"Yeah." They both replied as Zach moved his dog tags, "there isn't a day that goes by that i don't put these on.and go hard on myself for not staying with her."Zach sighed looking down at the tags in his hands.

"Yeah not a day goes by that I don't think about her and that wondering if she remembers me or if she's even alive. All i want to do is hold her in my arms."Jack replied agreeing Zach with starting to tear up as he clinched the stuffed animal that was on the couch

"If they're alive you'll find them or they'll find you."Jonah said trying to get the mood up

"I hope you're right." Zach and Jack both replied with a sigh. 

|♡ 3rd Person POV at the Traphouse ♡|

"Should we join the contest or no?" Megan asked Shae jokingly already knowing the answer.

"Are you stupid of course we are entering."Shae joked back

"Alright, alright. What song should we do?" Megan asked.

"I don't know you pick."shae replied

"What about Something Different?" Megan suggested

"Yeah that sounds great."shae replied

"Okay when should we do the cover?" Megan asked curiously.

"We can do it now, Kat and Sam set up a spot for me in the garage to do covers."Shae replied anxious to do the cover.

"Okay, let's go!" Megan said anxious and excited to do the cover.

|☆ 972 Words ☆|

A.N  Hey Guys so sorry for not updating in awhile half of us didn't have internet and the other half had slow internet and we didn't want to write without each other. Also, guys, this is the first chapter of the year and with that being said please remember that if you didn't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all please.being mean is not cool. But with all that being said we are happy and ready to take on the new year last year brought lots of memories and new friends and we can't wait for more in 2019.



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