|• I Depend On You Part 1 •|

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|• Chapter 21, 3rd Person POV •|

Just as lights turned on inside the boys car drove up and Shae quickly hopped in the car and said hello to the boys while inside the house Aaron and Elton went into the garage to investigate the noises but the car was already gone and there was no sign of anyone being in the garage besides an ouija board on the floor.

"Is there any ghosts here?" Elton called.

"Elton don't ask that!" Aaron told him quickly picking up the ouija board and setting it down.

"Let's just go upstairs, it was probably Circa." Aaron said looking around the garage cautiously as he walked out of the garage and Elton followed him because he was too tired to investigate anymore, he could always look in the morning he thought as he closed the door to the garage behind him.

Meanwhile in one of the boys cars, Shae sat silently in the backseat while Zach and Jonah sat in the front seat, the ice cream is in the back because nobody wanted to hold it since it's so cold.

"Are you okay Shae?" Zach asked her looking to the backseat.

"I'm fine Zach..." Shae mumbled her answer not really feeling like talking after everything that happened.

"I know you aren't." Jonah piped up from the driver's seat.

"Shut up Jonah!" Shae said playfully while giggling.

"You should smile more sis, your smile is beautiful." Zach told her making her blush.

"You shut up too Zach!" Shae told him annoyed.

"Make me!" Zach replied childishly so Shae reached up and hit him playfully so he did the same and they continued their playful fight for a good 2 minutes before Jonah snapped.

"Everyone shut up and sit down!" Jonah said and they instantly sat down and Shae looked at him innocently before saying, with sass of course, "Sorry dad."

"You should be." Jonah said with a fake sassy hair flip which makes them all laugh.

"Seriously are you okay?" Jonah asks glancing back at her for a second.

"I had a fight with Megan of course I'm not okay Jonah." Shae told him rolling her eyes.

"What happened?" Zach asks her.

"You 5 happened."Shae said barely holding back her tears

"About that Shae we're all really, really sorry for what happened. It got way too out of hand." Jonah told her.

"No its not that."Shae said letting a few tears fall

"Then what is it?" Zach asks her now confused.

"You Zach are all the family I have left and the rest of the boys where so okay with everything and you are all so nice and this is all i have wanted since i was 7 and know i have it but I lost the one thing i had when i didn't have you guys and they reason i lost it was because of you guys."Shae ranted letting everything out and just bawling.

"Okay you know what? Zach go comfort your sister." Jonah said pulling over so Zach could get in the back and he did but not before grabbing the ice cream from the back along with the two spoons they got from the house before they left.

"It's gonna be okay, maybe we can have Jack talk to her or something? Just tell me what to do to make you feel better, I'll do anything." Zach told her.

"Can you just hug me and be the big brother I missed and have always wanted."Shae said while getting pulled into a tight hug to cry on Zach's shoulder.

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