Chapter 1

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It was my first day of starting at a new school. It was a day where I could move on and forget all the  disasters that had happened in my life. Moving to a new school meant I could start over; it meant I could turn over a new leaf; but most of all it meant I could try and get my life back on track.


It was 6.30am when I found myself being woken by an alarming, frightening sound. It made me jump, I had to admit. My heart was pounding, beating faster than ever, probably faster than a healthy whippet tearing down the race track. I turned onto my right side to discover the loud pitched noise was in fact my alarm.

Quickly I reached over to turn that little bugger off. 6.30am it flashed on the screen. Great. I had to get up though otherwise I would be late for school and I didn't want to give myself a bad reputation on my first day. How bad would that have looked? Especially with my dreadful past. Even thinking about that gives me the shivers. I haven't done anything really naughty but you'll find out about my past when that time comes around.

Half an hour later I was washed and dressed. I have to admit I look really smart in my uniform: a white shirt, maroon and yellow tie, maroon jumper and a black knee length skirt although it won't stay knee length for long as soon as I have my way because I look like a nun wearing it half way down my legs. No offence to any nuns, I have nothing against you. Anyway I didn't have anything for breakfast due to the fact I was too nervous. I had a big day ahead.

It was then 7.15am. School starts at 8.45am so at least I have an hours free time before I walk to school. The nerves were starting to make me feel scared. What if nobody liked me? What if someone found out about my past and spread it around the whole school. My life would be over.

To take my mind off things I decided to listen to some rock music. I plugged my headphones into my iPod and adjusted the volume to make sure nobody woke up. The last thing I wanted was to wake my parents up as they had only come home at 3.00am so it would be a bad idea.

*your misery and hate will kill us all*

My Chemical Romance blasted through my battered blue headphones. It's time I invested in a new pair I thought. I lay on my bed for a while thinking of the day that stood ahead then my body jerked. I glanced at my iPod screen. 8.00am the clock read. I must had fallen asleep surely half an hour hadn't passed that quickly!

Quickly, I scrambled across my medium sized bedroom and searched for my school bag which was hidden under a pile of clothes which I need to take to the charity shop. I glanced inside quickly to be sure I had all the items I needed, I did. My bedroom wasn't actually really messy considering I hadn't been in this house for long. By ten o'clock last, all my belongings had been safely put away. My parents had managed to get all the furnature into the rooms so they were tired to do anything else.

I walked out my bedroom closing the door gently and tiptoed down the stairs taking care over the creaky steps making sure I didn't wake anyone. I searched for a piece of paper and a pen and I scribbled a note explaining I had to gone to school and I would be back home later. My parents knew I would've gone to school but I didn't want to worry them by making them think I had vanished. I grabbed my key, let myself out of the house and locked up. I had a funny feeling about my first day at high school but I tried to reassure myself by thinking about all the positives: a new start, meet new friends...

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