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"People who don't regret their actions are believed to be the never changing."..

Of the best ways of feeling at ease In a state of tension is by having someone to confide in,someone who is willing to listen not just for listening sake but for understanding, someone who can take it up upon himself to clear the mud from your way,someone who can give you a shoulder to lean on.. We think hospitals first when therapy is mentioned but no therapist can perform his duties without the patients compliance. No therapy can be successful without cooperation,its a skill which can be carried out with the best people around not just in healthcare centers. This healing power requires quality not just ability.

Of all the days Safwa lived with Fahma,she has never witnessed a different side of her which made her very worried. Fahma wasn't willing to share anything with her,her face showed clear rejection to Safwa. Even after the day's exams she didn't say a word to her. She tried all she could but nothing came from her. Those who envy their relationship made jest of her,making her to cry out of frustration. Fahma didn't leave that unnoticed so she treated their nuisance before holding Safwa's hands and leading her to the cafeteria where they sat. She had to wait for Amrah because she is writing two papers that day,still she didn't say a word to Safwa as she watched her cry. She used her veil to wipe her friend's face and shook her head implying for her not to continue. Safwa smiled and sniffed as she lifted both her hands to hold Fahma's..

"Am sorry Safee, I did-".." No dear it's nothing ".

" just tell me,what's wrong with you?" Safwa asked looking directly into her eyes. Fahma who has been avoiding eye contact with her averted her gaze from her. "Nothing, I'm fine" she replied.

"No you're not,and if you think I am going to leave you without hearing what it is then you are mistaken. Promise me you will tell me the truth,please" Safwa pleaded with her.

"Hmm do you remember Ummu Sulaim? Our neighbor,the one I didn't like at first" she asked with a shaky voice. Safwa thought for a while before shaking her head.

"My baby's mother,baby Musa" Fahma said passing her phone to Safwa showing her the baby's picture.. "Ohh!! I remember him,you mean his mother,Zee's sister inlaw?" Safwa asked.

"Yes" Fahma nodded.

"What happened to her?" Safwa asked.

"You know I told you I didn't like her when we were in our second year at school,right?" Safwa nodded."And later I told you that mother succeeded in convincing me that she's no bad person,right?..Safwa nodded again.

"Do you know that I was actually right?" Fahma asked.

"About? Just go straight to the point the suspense is killing me"

"Yesterday when I went home after our exams Sofiyyah a girl from our neighborhood came and said she wanted to tell mummy something important. So I left for my room keep my bag. Upon entering, my phone beeped and I saw Sadeed's SMS. I was about to reply him when I heard mummy calling me so I left it and went back to the sitting room.

"After I settled close to my mother, Sofiyyah started narrating to us the most shocking stories about ourselves..."


"Mummy I don't know how to start this but it has been eating me up,it's all about Ummu Sulaim but please don't think I am fabricating all these for my own selfish interest, after all there's no gain in it. And Fahma,I know you're a very nice and loving soul so please don't let this affect you."

"You know she changed her sitting room's interior decor,right?" They all nodded. "She went around the neighborhood telling people that you were jealous that her husband changed her TV,cushions, curtains and also tiled her sitting room for her that's why you've been distant from her" Fahma laughed at the statement, shaking her head in amazement. "I was at her house few days back and she showed them to me herself, so where is this coming from.." Fahma said more like a question.

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